Thursday, June 16, 2011
"I Am" the movie, Precognition and Random Numbers Generators
Recently I saw the movie "I Am," the documentary based on the spiritual awakening of Tom Shakyak, the "successful" director of such films as The Nutty Professor, Ace Ventura, Bruce Almighty and such. He amassed great wealth, and in true Hollywood fashion, purchased a gargantuan house, several fancy cars and other fancy goods.
Then one day he had a serious bike accident that left him near death with a major brain concussion. When he finally recovered, he realized that his life path and his life values were totally erroneous, and he set out on a spiritual journey to learn more about what is wrong with our world and what to do about it. He sold his huge mansion with its exotic furnishings, got rid of many of his expensive cars and other goods, and began his hegira about the globe to locate wise souls of our time. In the course of his travels, he interviewed such luminaries as Desmond Tutu, Coleman Barks, Howard Zinn, and other notables.
As the net result of his journey he concludes what most of us reading this have long known, for these truths are embedded in wisdom literature from ancient times forward: massive wealth and success in society's terms will not bring happiness: we are in fact all one with connections to one another and the universe far beyond what we might imagine (Lynne McTaggert in "The Field" deals with this insight beautifully.) And consciousness itself plays a key role in determining what we think of as "reality."
Though this movie was playing in my city only two nights, each was filled to capacity. The audience included a high proportion of young folks, many of high school age. I felt that this movie's message, though not original, is one that needs to be presented again and again, for many young and old still do not seem to grasp its essential meaning. And because Shadyak is an experienced movie director, he was able to present his ideas in a novel and entertaining fashion.
One clip of the movie caught my attention in especial. This was a brief segment on the role of random numbers generators to--seemingly--predict and then reflect the response of global consciousness to extreme world events. The random number generators are located at various parts of the globe. When they are functioning normally, they generate evenly balanced numbers of zeros and ones. However, at times of world crisis, they suddenly depart from the expected pattern and produce "unbalanced" sequences, with long strings of either zero or ones.
Such unbalanced patterns occurred two hours before 9/ll and continued for 4 hours afterward, as if the "black box" (called an EGG) were responding to some outside force, perhaps human consciousness itself, for humanity at large was focused by the millions on this event occurring in the U. S. It is reported that many thousands of people world wide had "premonitions" of the 9/11 disaster, and it is thought these forewarnings may have influenced the EGGS even before the actual moment of attack. Such an anomaly also occurred with the great SE Asian tsunami that took place a few years ago, killing many thousands of people. The machines registered unexplainable deviations from the norm during this catastrophe.
So the questions is for this phenomenon--as it was also in the scientific conference I attended recently--to what extent does human consciousness influence non-human responses. The famous double slit experiment addresses the same issue--when the experimenter is present, the proton becomes both a wave and a particle. But when the experimenter leaves and places a mechanical monitor nearby, the experiment no longer works in the same way.
One more thought: in a recent post I referred to Bose, who discovered that at the quantum level, ordinary statistics no longer applied, but were skewed--that is, the ratio of plus and minus might be 40-60 instead of 50-50. The random number generators seem to act in similar fashion under certain conditions.
What does all of this have to do with Kundalini? A great deal, I believe, for Kundalini is above all a function of consciousness--we become aware of events generally below the normal threshold of consciousness. We become aware of our role in the cosmic field, our participatory function, and our personal consciousness is the key (though we do not control this awakening of consciousness.) We know that we are connected not only to others but to the ultimate itself, for everything is one vast field of consciousness and we are a part of it.
(picture from NASA internet site)