Kundalini Splendor

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Bruce Lipton 

Bruce Lipton is one of the most evolved thinkers of our time. He is always worth hearing. I realize that this post is so late that many will miss the audiocast, but note that it is possible to download his presentation later by going to the Beyond Awakening Audio page.

TODAY: Spontaneous Evolution with Bruce Lipton

Please join us TODAY for:

Bruce Lipton:
"On the Brink of Spontaneous Evolution"

TODAY, Thursday, October 27th, 2011
at 5:30pm Pacific; 8:30pm Eastern; UTC/GMT-7

Dear Friends,

We've all heard stories of people who experienced seemingly miraculous recoveries from illness, but can the same thing happen for our planet?

According to pioneering biologist Bruce Lipton, it's not only possible, it's already happening. We are surrounded by the proof that we are poised to take an incredible step forward in the growth of our species. He offers a new and hopeful story about humanity's evolutionary destiny.

In fact, according to Bruce Lipton, changing our understanding of biology and human history will help us navigate these turbulent times

He invites us to reconsider:

The unquestioned pillars of biology including random evolution, survival of the fittest, and the role of DNA;
the blueprint for our sustainable, life-affirming future that is literally inside us - encoded in each of the trillions of cells comprising our bodies
how our beliefs about nature and human nature shape our politics, culture, and individual lives; and
how each of us can become planetary "stem cells" supporting the health and growth of our world and every individual in it.
By releasing the old beliefs that keep the status quo in place, and by building our lives and world on this heartening new story, we can trigger the spontaneous evolution of our species.

Please join us!

Terry Patten

How to Participate:
Bruce Lipton:
"On the Brink of Spontaneous Evolution"

Thursday, October 27th at 5:30pm Pacific*; 6:30pm Mountain; 7:30pm Central; 8:30pm Eastern

*Find your local time

Listen live by phone or online, or download the recording anytime.

Access Instructions
To listen live by phone, dial: 206-402-0100 (alternate #: 501-707-0312)

Then, enter Access Code: 272072#

To listen live online go to:

To download the audio after the teleseminar is complete go to the Beyond Awakening Audio Page

Join the Dialogue: About one hour into the dialogue, we'll open up the lines and you'll have the opportunity to interact with us directly over the phone or via Instant Message. Here's what to do:

1. To interact live by voice, dial into the conference line and wait until we ask for questions

2. Send us your question via Instant Message in the teleseminar window in the webcast interface on your computer.

Connect with us! You can always join the dialogue, before and after all the Beyond Awakening dialogues by posting your questions and comments on our Beyond Awakening blog.

You can also engage with Beyond Awakening's many fans, on our Facebook page.

About Our Guest:

Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is a stem cell biologist on the faculty of the University of Wisconsin's School of Medicine, where he has done original research on muscular dystrophy and human stem cells, eventually producing breakthrough studies on the cell membrane, which revealed that this outer layer of the cell is an organic homologue of a computer chip, the cell's equivalent of a brain. His research at Stanford University's School of Medicine, between 1987 and 1992, revealed that the environment, operating though the membrane, controlled the behavior and physiology of the cell, turning genes on and off, presaging the emerging science of epigenetics.

His deepened understanding of cell biology highlighted the mechanisms by which the mind controls bodily functions, and implied the existence of spirit. He applied this science to his personal biology, and his physical well-being and the quality of his daily life was greatly enhanced. He has taken his award-winning medical school lectures to the public and is currently a sought after keynote speaker and workshop presenter. He is the author of The Biology of Belief, and Spontaneous Evolution, Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here.

To listen to all the Beyond Awakening dialogues, please visit our audio archive page, where you can browse, preview and download our complete collection of dialogues.

About Our Host:

Terry Patten co-developed Integral Life Practice with Ken Wilber and a core team at Integral Institute. He hosts the acclaimed online teleseminar series Beyond Awakening: The Future of Spiritual Practice. He speaks and consults internationally--inspiring, challenging, and connecting leaders and institutions worldwide. In his cutting-edge writings, talks and teaching, he not only inspires transcendental awakening, love and freedom, but calls us to accept and incarnate our full humanity. He was the senior writer and co-author, with Ken Wilber, of Integral Life Practice: A 21st-Century Blueprint for Physical Health, Emotional Balance, Mental Clarity, and Spiritual Awakening. His 8-session course, Integral Spiritual Practice guides students step-by-step in establishing a heart-centered do-able daily integral practice. His personal web sites are http://integralspiritualpractice.com, http://gobeyondawakening.com, and http://theispcommunity.com.

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