Kundalini Splendor

Kundalini Splendor <$BlogRSDURL$>

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


(by Jeannine Goode-Allen, inspired by Mary Oliver)

When Death comes
opening the door into Eternity,
when Death comes
letting me fall into the Beloved,
when Death comes
I do not know when or how,
I will hold it's tender hand
full of trust and awe.

Every soul I meet on this earthly path
will pass through this door,
I do not know when or how.

And I think of each life as a flower,
each one vibrant, each one growing,
with a song in its heart,
with a rhythm in its swaying,
and I feel each one's courage.
It is not a journey for wimps.

When it is over I want to say
all my life I have found
the strength to breath deeply,
the strength to look around the next corner,
the strength to continue to climb,
no matter how great the pain,
no matter how much the wind is howling.

When it is over I want to say
all my life I have looked for and expressed beauty,
I have heard and responded to the cries for love,
and I have found the Peace that surpasses all understanding
no matter how deep it is hidden
no matter how long I have had to sing.

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