Monday, November 07, 2011
About 11:11"11 Stargate Activation of Divine Love Hide Details FROM: The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network TO: dorothywalters72@yahoo
As Nov. 11, ll a.m (or is it p.m.?) approaches, various groups are preparing rituals, celebrations, and other kinds of activities associated with this special date. Here is one such announcement, that I received via e-mail. I do not know who this group is, but I find their approach interesting. Obviously, I am not endorsing the group or its activities, but just pass the information along for your perusal.
11:11:11 Stargate Activation of Divine Love
The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network
11:11:11 ~ Stargate Activation of Divine Love
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On November 11th, 2011, we are presented with an unparalleled, unprecedented Now
moment through the 11:11:11 Stargate activation of Divine Love to collectively ascend
these first wave souls in human embodiment of the I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light,
and become these become these Flames of Divine Love with the new DNA encodings of
Light activated at this time, while lifting ourselves in cosmic consciousness awareness
into the Golden Age of Atlantis.
This glorious activity of Light, heralded as the gateway into this Golden Age and
New Earthis amplified and activated through the Arkansas, Lake Titicaca and Sedona
stargates and Golden Solar Sun Disc discs, and from here moves through all the Golden
Solar Sun Disc discs, vortices, leylines, sacred sites and chakras of Mother Earth,
attuning us to a fifth dimensional frequency of Divine Love and experienced through
the 144 Crystalline Unity Grid of Divine Love.
To re-experience our Highest Potential through the Patterns of Perfection, just
prior to the Fall of Atlantis, the High Priests to the Order of Melchizedek sealed
the etheric records ofour Highest Potential and Master key codes of Light in the
One Unity Consciousness Portal in the land of Khem, later to be called Egypt, builtunderground
Cities of Light and additionally relocated nine of the Atlantean extraterrestrial
crystals within and around the crystalline field of Atlantis. Three of these primary
crystals were relocated to Arkansas, with other locations in Brazil, Mt. Shasta,
Bolivia and the Sargasso sea. The Golden Solar Sun Disc discs through the Crystalline
Cities of Light were further activated as these stargate portals of Light linking
us into the higher dimensions, with the Lake Titicaca Golden Solar Sun Disc disc
and Crystalline City of Light serving as an interdimensional Portal of Divine Love
through which the first wave of human ascensions could occur. The Company of Heaven
knew that when we were at a point to collectively ascend, to become the I Am Avatar
race, taking on our Patterns of Perfection and garments of Light, these Atlantean
crystals would be reactivated, and this time is Now for the first wave Souls, with
the second wave of spiritual ascensions occurring in 12:12:12 through the Golden
Flame of One UnityConsciousness, and the full actualization of all Patterns of
Perfection and geometries of Light within the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
As the Cystro-Sun-Disc activation takes place within the Arkansas stargate, amplified
through the Platinum Flame of Universal Christ Consciousness and the Overlighting
of the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light, this activation will "Fire the Grid"
and in particular the 144 Crystalline Grid and all the Golden Solar Sun Disc discs,
bringing in the new DNA encodings of Light through the 12 helices to these Golden
Solar Sun Disc discs. Simultaneously, as this Platinum Flame of Melchizedek Consciousness
travels through all the Grids of Light, it ignites within Lake Titicaca to activate
this Golden Solar Sun Disc disc as the Portal of Divine Love. As this Divine Feminine
Portal of Light is activated in the beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth
and Divine Love, the ray Overlighting us in this year of 2011, these key codes trigger
the activation of the Divine Masculine Portal of Light within Sedona, merging these
Divine archetypes of Light within ourselves and that of all Life through the clockwise
rotating vortex within Lake Titicaca and that of the counter clockwise rotation
of the Sedona vortex, amplified through the Golden Flame of One Unity Consciousness.
As this unity between the Titicaca-Sedona vortex fields occurs, we actualize the
new DNA encodings of empowerment, Love and wisdom and merge into a fifth dimensional
stargate of Divine Love as these Flames of Divine Love and Group I Am Avatar Body
of Light.
Additionally, the universal axiatonal lines will be amplified through the Unity
Grid of Divine Love and through this fifth dimensional stargate of Divine Love,
assists in the activation and actualization of the new DNA encodings of Light, through
the spin points found along the acupuncture meridian lines in our bodies, and the
spin points found along the meridian points and leylines of Mother Earth. As we
release our human mis-creations, and actualize these new DNA encodings of Light
through the 12 helices of the Golden Solar Sun Disc discs, our chakras start to
merge in one unified column of Light. As all the Golden Solar Sun Disc discs, Crystalline
Cities of Light, sacred sites, vortices and chakras of Mother Earth are wrapped
in the Platinum Flame of Universal Christ Consciousness, the Pink-Orange Flame of
Divine Love and the Golden Flame of One Unity Consciousness, we take these ray frequencies
within and around this Earth plane to assist in the clearing of all human mis-creations
so all Life may choose to experience themselves as Flames of Divine Love.
Furthermore, these pulsating waves of Divine Love will assist in actualizing the
City of Light within Sedona into the physical/etheric realms, becoming the blueprint
of Light
for the actualization of all the Crystalline Cities of Light within and around this
earth plane.
We are Overlighted in this stargate activation of Divine Love on 11:11:11 by the
entire Spiritual Hierarchy, including the Christed Extraterrestrials, the Pleiadians,
the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light, as well as the
Archangels and Angels, the Trinity Lords of Light, the Chohans of the Rays, the
Galactic Federation of the Light, the Mighty Elohim, the Brotherhood of the Light,
the Planetary, Solar, Galactic and Universal Logoi, the Mahatma, and Mother/Father
God, as well as the Divine Unfolding Light of the Platinum Ray of Universal Christ
Consciousness, the Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love and the
Golden Flame of One Unity Consciousness. All eyes, hearts and minds from On High
are upon this sacred jewel on which we physically exist, as we truly become these
Flames of Divine Love, in service to Mother Earth and all her Life, re-experiencing
the parallel reality of the Golden Age of Atlantis. As we take on our Patterns of
Perfection as our I Am Presence through our I Am Avatar Blueprints, our etheric
electronic bodies of Light and Adam Kadmon Bodies of Light, we are encoded through
the rays of eternal Light with the new DNA activation key codes of Light of empowerment,
Love and wisdom, and the memories of our multidimensionality as Master Beings and
co-creators to the Company of Heaven. As the left and right hemispheres of our brain
are perfectly balanced through the merging with our Divine Masculine and Feminine
archetypes of Light, we have the ability to truly become these Flames of Divine
Love and Spiritually ascend in our physical bodies as Mother Earth Herself ignites
to hold the Flame of Divine Love for all Life on this earth plane through a group
collective Planetary Merkaba Vehicle of Light.
(more follows)