Kundalini Splendor

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Friday, November 04, 2011

Poem by Michael Black 

Crossing Wildcat Creek

There, far below us, lay Wildcat Canyon.
We scampered down an unmarked trail,
Beneath magnificent, gnarled California Live Oaks,
Acorns and leave mold gnawing at our feet and nostrils.

Down, down, down we dropped, descending
Into a riparian woodland which once housed Ohlone dreams.
One by one, trees peered inside each of us, perhaps assessing
Whether our hearts were sufficiently clear, open and tender

To proceed?

At creek side, live oaks mixed with alders and other
Vertical record keepers, welcoming fairies home.
Boulders and trickling water our companions,
We both knew to remain silent. Often speaking is

Best done by Being.

Passing through the sheltering tree canopy, we
Walked along this spur and that, until the shadows
Enveloped everything and everyone. The light turned
Liquid orange, with a hint of yellow, magenta and

Purple. Quietude washed over the land.

Sunset reminded us to take the return trip home.
Dropping down creek-side, there we stood for the longest
Time, listening to the mesmeric sounds of water,
Counterpointed by gently conversing Owls.

Standing there together, drinking in the beauty, I
Felt a knowing in my heart. Some soul or souls
Sought our help in that moment, from another dimension.
Grounding deeply, we dropped into Dream Time.

A peaceful Ohlone Village once occupied this land
And its people sought our help. A child once drowned
In the creek, and its soul was trapped on the astral.
Would we assist in reuniting it to its family in the


I’ve grown accustomed to often saying “Yes,” while
Walking in this world, as “Seva” has become as deeply ingrained
As breathing.

I spoke with the child’s soul, thanking it for its prodigious gifts,
And offered, on behalf of the Great Spirit, to reunite it with its

Tribe. Would the child’s soul trust that our hearts were
Sufficiently pure to proceed?

“Yes,” came its answer, and supported by
The Ohlone themselves, we created a sacred
Caldern to contain the disembarking Being.

As owl man, I called upon owl woman to kindly
Assist this most precious soul in crossing over
Into the Light. Would they kindly assist? “Yes.”

I also called upon the Angelic Keeper of Souls, in case
Fragmented soul shards needed to be gathered for the
Imminent journey home. Would they help us? “Yes.”

Next I asked the Ohlone whether they were prepared to receive their
Little Great One? “Yes.”

At twilight, I felt deeply moved as the child’s soul rode out of
Wildcat Canyon, atop owl’s own gracious back. Tears of gratitude
Welled up as the child was, at last, reunited with a once-grieving tribe.

All was made right again within the peaceful Water Temple below.

When all was unsaid and done, the Canyon’s Apu—and
Especially the Creek itself—sought acknowledgement for having
Held sacred container on behalf of so many for so long. I found a
Stone that was just right. My companion reverentially returned it

To its precise place amongst free flowing waters. After calling out to me,
A second stone, too, sought to be honored, loosened from the creek bed and
Released. I asked whether it was a gift? “Yes, for Wildcat Creek.”

We returned that stone, with Thanksgiving, to now jubilant

With winged hearts, we scrambled up the steep hillside that evening,
saying reverential “Thank yous!” and “Goodbyes!” to the trees, the Apu,
The Ohlone, to owl woman, to the Angelic Keeper of Souls, to the

Devas, elementals, fairies, elves, gnomes and All-that-is who made this
Resurrection possible.

The next time you cross Wildcat Creek, or one possessing perhaps a different name,
Consider bearing unspeakable gifts on behalf of a magnificent Earth.

Give your love away, like a Blessed

Consecration. It becomes you. . .

Michael Black

(Michael is a dear friend, a poet/mystic, nature lover and in general one who has one of the most open hearts of anyone I know.)

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