Tuesday, July 10, 2012
This new book by Carter Phipps focuses on one of the key themes of our time--that we are in fact in a time of transition to a new level of human consciousness, as part of the ongoing process of human evolution. Most of us who have gone through kundalini transformation will readily agree with this assertion, since we feel that we are experiencing such evolution in our own bodies.
Carter Phipps is a major spokesperson for the notion of evolution of consciousness, a topic that should interest us all. Here are some of the responses to his book:
“This beautifully written book is not only a splendid survey of evolutionary thought and its spiritual implications. It is also a significant contribution to the increasingly important conversation between the natural sciences and our spiritual traditions. Enthusiastically recommended.” (JOHN F. HAUGHT, Senior Fellow at Georgetown University's Woodstock Theological Center and Former Chair and Professor of the Department of Theology at Georgetown University )
“No one has their head and heart around the full range of evolutionary worldviews like Carter Phipps.” (Reverend MICHAEL DOWD, author of Thank God for Evolution )
“A profound and profoundly important new work. With clarity and deep understanding, Carter Phipps walks us through the great evolutionary pioneers and their ideas in this extraordinary philosophy, making the book absolutely indispensable for lay and professional alike. The very highest recommendation!” (KEN WILBER, author of A Brief History of Everything and The Integral Vision )
“We live in one of those rare historical moments when the deepest metaphysical questions are being turned over and examined as we search for a new orientation for the next millennium. It would be hard to find a better guide into this fascinating conversation than Carter Phipps’s Evolutionaries.” (BRIAN SWIMME, Ph.D, Director of the Center for the Story of the Universe and Professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies )
“Brilliantly expands our understanding of evolution. Evolutionaries is going to help create a worldview that will influence our understanding of the future direction of evolution and also our role in consciously participating in it.” (DEEPAK CHOPRA )
“Phipps offers a challenging reexamination of the connection between the ‘evolutionary dynamics of the universe and the very being of the divine.’ ... Thoughtful and provocative.” (Kirkus Reviews )
Carter Phipps is a writer and speaker and the former executive editor of Enlighten-Next magazine. He lives in Lenox, Massachusetts.