Kundalini Splendor

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Friday, October 12, 2012

Important internet goddess workshop 

Here is an announcement of what promises to be a very important internet workshop for everyone, especially women who seek to embody the divine energies of the goddess, and particular those who have experienced the Kundalini energies as part of their awakening process.  I have recently met Aditi Devi and was impressed by her presence and her wisdom.  I recommend this highly.  Although Kali is often represented in her destructive aspect, this workshop will focus on her nurturant, loving aspect.

om aim hrim klim chamundayai vicce

The Yogini's Womb

Ten Autumn Nights with Devi
An Online Puja to Celebrate Navaratri
in the Old Tantric Kali Kula style

Aditi Devi, Ph.D.

Navaratri is a bi-annual celebration of the Mother Goddess in India and Nepal. While the spring Navaratri is sweet and tender like the young shoots of rice rising in the fields, the autumnal Navaratri is a riot of abundance, color, and heart melting devotion to the Hindu Goddess in Her forms as Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Kali-Durga. This is the festival for Shakti, in all Her manifestations, par excellence. In most of South Asia, regular life comes to a halt for close to a month as people travel to their natal homes, prepare, celebrate, clean up, and return to their daily life. It is a time of deep connection with family, rich gift giving, shrine building, community celebration, and a full-bodied love affair with Devi, the Great Goddess through the mythic structure of Durga's defeat of the Buffalo Demon. This online puja is devoted to the mysteries of Navaratri in the Kali Kula from eastern India and Nepal.

Join us! We begin this online puja on the auspicious dark moon preceding Navaratri in October. We come together in sacred circle to make offerings and prayers to Kali in Her expression as all forms of Shakti and the renewal of the cosmos. As the centerpoint of our puja, we explore the underlying themes and practices of Navaratri from the perspective of the Kali Kula in eastern India and Nepal. We will share in a rich wealth of material so that you can celebrate Navaratri in your own home, at your own shrine, or in your heart-body in your life as a wandering yogini or yogin. We will explore some of the myths around Navaratri, learn to make and care for a living Navaratri altar, as well as some small prayers, chants, and mantras to keep us company on the path.


What you will receive
~ One live group telephone call led by Aditi Devi. The call will last up to 2.5 hours
~ Recording of the call to download and listen to later, should you be unable to attend the live call
~ Membership in a private online community to connect with others in this Navaratri Puja
~ At minimum, you will receive five emails from Aditi Devi noting the different portions of Navaratri, including an introductory and closing email at the end of Navaratri. Emails will include stories, myths, puja suggestions, poetry, images, and other musings to support you in developing your own Navaratri celebrations.
~ Depth teachings on Navaratri from the perspective of the Kali Kula, focusing on Mother Kali
~ For those in the Boulder area, we will have a special Navaratri celebration during our regular Kali Puja and Kirtan, on Saturday, October 20, 7:30pm. All are welcome, whether you are undertaking for the online puja or not.

First email: Friday, October 12
Phone call: Monday, October 15, 7pm-9:30pm MDT
Final email: Thursday, October 25

$ 32

Registration and Questions

I am looking forward to falling into Kali's love
with you during Navaratri.
Jai Mahakalyai Jai!

About Aditi Devi

Aditi Devi began the study and practice of South Asia Tantric traditions more than 20 years ago. As an initiated yogini, pujarini (ritualist, priestess), and lineage holder, she has lived and practiced her sadhana with adepts in Nepal, India, and Tibet. Aditi Devi's practice, teaching, research and writing focus on the embodiment of the divine feminine in the Shakta Tantric traditions of India and Nepal. She earned a Ph.D. in Anthropology and was a Fulbright scholar and college professor.

Aditi Devi is authorized to teach what are called the Kali Practices which focus on the reverence of women as embodiments of the divine and awakening in the body, in deep relationality. These practices have their fullest expression in Assam, at the Temple of the Tantric Goddess Kamakhya, a yoni Goddess who is revered throughout South Asia (and indeed the world) which is one of her spiritual homes and practice seats.

After several years of living in a remote contemplative community, Aditi has taken to the wandering life again, bringing her offerings to yoga retreats, teacher training courses, festivals, godowns, and wherever yoginis and yogins gather. She recently returned from pilgrimage in India where she followed the trail of fierce desire, visiting several remote Yogini Temples.

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