Kundalini Splendor

Kundalini Splendor <$BlogRSDURL$>

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

More on Hacking problem 

Now I have discovered that the "hacking" problem is more serious than I realized.  "They" wiped out my ability to send or receive e-mail, and also erased my contact list.  Thus I have no easy way to let folks know what is going on via a mass contact mailing.

So--nothing to do but set up another e-mail account and start over.  In the meantime, I am without any e-mail access, but hope to get the new one started soon.

I realized too late that I had recently answered a "Phishing" e-mail which threatened to close my yahoo account if I did not supply certain information.  I supplied that information and the result was that I lost my account.  I'll know better next time!

When I get my new e-mail set up, I'll post it on this blogsite for all to see.  In the meantime, apologies if you write to me and do not receive an answer.

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