Monday, October 15, 2012
Poem by Antonio Machado
Last night, as I was sleeping
By Antonio Machado
(1875 - 1939)
English version by Ivan M. Granger
Last night, as I was sleeping,
I dreamt blessed vision!
that a fountain flowed
here in my heart.
I said: Why, O water, have you come
along this secret waterway,
spring of new life,
which I have never tasted?
Last night, as I was sleeping,
I dreamt blessed vision!
that I had a beehive
here in my heart;
and the golden bees
were making
from all my old sorrows
white wax and sweet honey.
Last night, as I was sleeping,
I dreamt blessed vision!
a blazing sun shone
here in my heart.
It was blazing because it gave heat
from a red home,
and it was sun because it gave light
and because it made me weep.
Last night, as I was sleeping,
I dreamt blessed vision!
that it was God I had
here in my heart.
NOTE: When we think of Kundalini, we remember that above all it opens the heart to love and tender feelings. We feel closer to the divine reality than ever before (in Kundalini's best expression), for we are indeed fully opened, fully vulnerable, fully blessed.
Thus Kundalini is not merely a delightful sensation, it is a means of access to a sacred realm that we can only guess at in other contexts.