Kundalini Splendor

Kundalini Splendor <$BlogRSDURL$>

Friday, January 04, 2013


I do not necessarily endorse the following, nor do I claim to understand fully what it pertains to.  But I am often fascinated by practices of esoteric nature having to do with Kundalini Yoga.  I certainly agree with the assertion that we are in fact "the yogi, God and the Spirit having the human experience."  Anything that "awaken(s) the Yogi within is valuable, in my view.  Andrew Harvey speaks of the "Direct Path."  In this path, one does not follow any guru or offer slavish devotion to a spiritual teacher, but rather follows the promptings of the inner spirit.  And wouldn't it be wonderful to take a journey to the sacred wilderness and sacred caves of India?

I won't be doing this except in my imagination--and that can be an intense experience.

The most powerful vortex of Time: Mahasivratri! Time to be the Yogi, God & the Spirit having thr human experience!

For a yogi/ni, Mahasivratri is the “Day/Night of Yoga”, the time to transcend, transform and evolve. Mahasivratri has been observed as the single most important vortex of time by the yogis and householders in India for thousands of years. Based on the planetary alignment with earth and the lunar cycle, this vortex of time holds the objectives of yoga as in being the Spirit having the human experience; as in being ‘liberated’ from the limits of the mind and as in having the grace of Source in our daily realities. This year of 2013, Mahasivratri falls on March 10th.

In practical realities, Mahasivratri offers:
- An ideal time to detox the body.Take healing herbs. Heal your body!
- The time to ‘detox’ the mind as in letting go of the past and karmic imprints of limitations.
- To create an intent of resolution and a supreme prayer
- An inspiration to awaken the yogi within.
- A potent time to break free from the stagnancy of life to enable us to evolve into a life more attuned to our higher purpose with ease.
- To awaken to the joyfulness of “Being” a person of higher consciousness and thereby imbibing all the qualities of higher consciousness as in abundance, harmony, love and wisdom.

Learn more and take your own inner journey to Be! : www.worldyogaday.co

[Nandhi takes a small pilgrimage group through the sacred wilderness, the caves with and alongside our Siddhar Gurus- a total of 16 days- culminating on Monday March 11th. Dates in India: Feb 24th- March 11th.  This is  pilgrimage is exclusively for the initiates who have done the SivaSivaa or done a personal initiation with Nandhi  Write- awake@nandhi.com]

(The image was found on the internet--it presents the visage of one of the god/yogis in the caves of Elephanta in India.)

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