Thursday, January 10, 2013
Meditation Oil and Morning Practice
I think I have written on this subject before, but people are still curious when I mention the essential oils I use in my morning practice. Here are a list of the ingredients that go into the oil along with the way I use it. You may recall that this vial is one that stood on my bathroom counter for years before I gave it much attention. Then one day I decided to explore aromatherapy, beginning with this small bottle. The results were astonishing. They are yet another development in the continuing unfoldment of the Kundalini process and spiritual progression--indeed there is always more to learn, more to discover, more to experience.
My morning practice: Name of Product: “Meditation Oil”
Made in Australia by Dynamo House
Iolu? or Zolu? (couldn't read clearly on bottle)
Ban Oil?
Go to http://www.Dynamo and look under essential oils for meditation to locate product. Their price is about $19.00 plus S & H. Amazon offers similar blends at a lower price, but I don't know if they will work as well.
Also---new address is here for Dynamo House—you can order from them apparently
Another good essemce which does something similar is
“frankincense and amber” from Inesscents” available at Vitamin Cottage (in my town) and possibly online. It has a slightly more delicate flavor. Frankincense has a long history as a healing potion and is, I believe, the key ingredient in these products.
To do this practice, begin by simply inhaling the aroma by passing the bottle several times under your nose. Then , holding the bottle a few inches from your body, move it in small spirals around your face and head, then down across the front of your body, giving special attention to the chakras. You can also include your arms and (by intention) your legs. Let the energies themselves direct you as to how to move. With any luck, you will fee a soft bliss flow, as delicate as if you were being stroked by a feather, yet quite delightful.
You need to be in a slightly altered state to get the benefit of this experience. Wear as few clothes as possible. Best to do early before you get into your left brain doing busy work. These energies are very subtle and should be approached in a sacred manner.
I feel that the energy flows aroused by this practice are not only rapturous (in a subtle way) but also healing--I always feel quite refreshed after doing my practice.
I have recently added a new component--I do a bit of overtone chanting with the experience to intensify the vibrational results (and they definitely do move into higher vibrations than we typically experience).
And I also include yet another aspect--as I experience these delicate and sweet vibrations, I send healing energies and prayers to those in need whom I know by name. In other words, I use the practice for long distance healing--no one told me how to do this--I just do it.
Finally, I send these energies out into the universe for the benefit of "all sentient beings."
Love to all in this New Year. May we ascend together in ways appropriate to each one.
(picture from Dynamo House website)