Saturday, January 26, 2013
Two Poems by Jay Ramsay
When a rose in the chest of every man and woman flowers, then we
shall see as we did in the beginning. We shall touch and feel, taste and
savour, smell and linger, and hear the soul of sound. We will
remember that we were all feeling, and are, and we will see how we
have been this down the length of centuries. We will see inwardly in
blood that is light-rose-blood-and we will know the secret lines of light
between all of us that span cities, seas and continents.
(Excerpt from the longer version)
i.m. Sylvia Plath, 10.2.63
The news unbearable…every day
a corkscrew twisting into the heart of the sun.
Evil lashing out at love. And numb
as snow, that winter as the white cold
uncandyfloss fluff stuff brimmed over my wellies
wading out into it with wonder…
Numb as cloud above before it rains awakening,
but suspended, flaking down instead
still wondering like a child at life and death in the garden
examining ants, a wasp’s nest, the prize of a blue broken bird’s egg
all existence in wonder, for our lives—yours taken, given away
numb beyond pain, passionately ice, afloat in your reason
and my mother’s taken like lightning (the sky become a sun
and everything a longing, an urgency of wonder)
then your dark rival’s…but then, in this haunting, your son
islanded up in the Arctic, ice-bound,
ringed with absence as you had foretold
motherless and fatherless to the void within…
and yet we are loved
despite being earth-numb and mind-blind
we are loved inside the light, inside life
in the place where you close your eyes and breathe
with no sermon or priest, no Daddy, but love
that is the love within, the love you had
the love you needed, the love you wasted
in fear and rage—the love we waste
for Christ’s sake
and yet we are loved, greatly loved
far more than we may easily know
despite the evidence (which is only our own)
despite great chunks of ice sliding
from the cliff’s edges leaving a strange raw blue behind
like a layer of skin stripped to blood that is air, blue blood
we are loved, we are helpless refugees, we are crying
we are stupid beyond belief
stumbling into love, loveless, numb
frozen in our enemy minds, our alpha minds, heart-dumb
as the spring that goes on innocently returning
each moment born
and now is the great thaw
Jay Ramsay
from MONUMENTS (new collection)
Jay Ramsay is a celebrated poet in England, noted especially for his devotion to poems of the spiritual path. He has published an impressive number of books, and is, in addition to being a poet, a psychotherapist and an energy healer. He has a gorgeous speaking voice and his readings sound like a cross between Laurence Olivier and Andrew Harvey. Such resonance restores poetry to its traditional role as an oral art.
Go to his website at And once you are there, explore his poetry as well as his spoken recordings.