Kundalini Splendor

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Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Women of Wisdom Conference 

The "Women of Wisdom" conference is of great importance.  It includes women from many areas, and the focus is on women's roles in facilitating the current evolutionary shift.  Go if you can.  If you can't go, you can participate through "live stream" as described on the website.  By all means look up their site at  http://womenofwisdom.org/conference/, which contains pictures and other descriptions of the events.  It is major.
Presenters include women from various backgrounds, such as Starhawk, who is probably the most famous wiccan (witch) alive; Cyndi Dale, noted authority on energy healing, frequencies and vibration; Nicki Scully, renowned metaphysical teacher; and Normandi Ellis, teacher and Egyptian scholar/mystic, who wrote "Awakening Osiris," which I consider one of the most beautiful books I have ever read.  Her latest is called  "Imagining the World into Existence, an Ancient Egyptian Manual of Consciousness."  As Jean Houston commented on this conference, "There is nothing else like this in the world."
For those undergoing Kundalini awakening, this conference is of special importance, since Kundalini is, I feel, the underlying energy of all the approaches to the paradigm shift--if you are experiencing Kundalini, you are, in fact, in the forefront of this momentous transition in human consciousness--and if you have not yet had Kundalini awakening, do not grieve, for there are many ways of participating in the shift, including the those offered by the conference presenters.

Announcing the 21st Annual
Women of Wisdom Conference
Feb. 14 – 18, 2013
Seattle, WA
Women Leading the Evolutionary Shift
Midwifing the New Paradigm
With special guests:

Starhawk Cyndi Dale Nicki Scully Normandi Ellis

Live streaming of Evening Events at 2013 Women of Wisdom Conference!!
WOW is going live stream! You can participate in two events at Women of Wisdom this year from any where in the world.
Feb. 14th – Starhawk’s presentation 7:00 – 10:00 pm Pacific Time
Feb. 15th – Cyndi Dale’s presentation 7:00 – 10:00 Pacific Time

Only $10 for one evening ~ discover the magic of WOW!

Even if you are not available at those times you will be able to view these presentations for one month.

Click here to sign up now!
Tell your friends about it!

Sign up for the WOW enewsletter!
Receive gifts of radio interviews by Founder, Kris Steinnes
of Jean Houston, Jean Shinoda Bolen and Starhawk

Click Here to sign up.

Bring a Friend Special available now
Bring a friend with you to your 3 hour workshop and pay only $25 for them ($26 with service fee). Just register for your 3 hour workshop and the option is right there to get one for your friend to attend with you! Offer good until pre-registration closes on Friday Feb. 15th at noon!
Women of Wisdom Conference 2013 Video

Please join us for our 21st year.
Let’s Raise our Feminine Spirit to Transform Our World!
Gift yourself with this life expanding experience – a time of reflection, rejoicing, renewing and connecting with other fabulous women (and men!). Each attendee is invited to share stories, make new friends and replenish your spirit – change your life!

You can order individual events or purchase an all weekend package.
Click here for weekend package pricing

In addition to our featured guests, Starhawk, Cyndi Dale, Nicki Scully and Normandi Ellis, there are 40 workshops given by a diversity of women leaders (and a couple of men!) sharing their gifts with our community. Please take the time to read all the offerings to select what is calling for you to bring into your life now at this very transitional and transformational time.

Exceptional, inspirational evening presentations and intimate, experiential workshops will revitalize you and leave you feeling ready to take on just about anything. While you’re at the conference, take the time to explore the many offerings we have as there is something for everyone. Women of Wisdom is an incredible gathering that will awaken your soul and invigorate your passions.

You can come and be a part of our ambiance without even attending an event. Our doors are open and it’s free for everyone to participate in the full expression of the Divine Feminine. These activities are open to men, except for the Pink Tent.

Goddess Market
The Temple with professional healers, psychic readers and body workers
Art Show
Community Corner and poetry wall – a meeting space for tea, snacks,
conversation and creativity
Connections with wonderful people to make life long friends with
Relax in our Pink Tent, for women to meditate and pamper themselves with quiet time & chocolates!

Men are welcome at all our evening events, including Sunday’s In the Rounds, and Sunday evening workshops. We recognize the men in our lives who support women’s empowerment and the divine feminine within themselves.

Please browse our wonderful selection of events to find the perfect matches for what you need in your life now!

“There is nothing like this in the world”.
~Jean Houston

All Conference events are located at:
College Center Building and Library Building
North Seattle Community College
9600 College Way North
Seattle WA 98103

Pre-Conference workshop with Normandi Ellis is held at:
Standing Stone Healing Arts
943 N. 89th St.
Seattle, WA


Sign up for WOW’s enewsletter and receive free mp3′s of Founder, Kris Steinnes’s interviews with Jean Houston, Jean Shinoda Bolen and Starhawk.
Click here to join the WOW Newsletter
Join the Women of Wisdom Foundation

Event Calendar
Download the 2013 Conference Event Calendar

Event Registration
** Bring a Friend Special! **

Pick a workshop, and then bring a friend for a reduced rate!

Click Here for information and links to Event Registration!

Volunteer, Work Exchange & Scholarship
Click Here for information on Conference Volunteering, Work Exchange & Scholarships

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Voices of Women

Voices of Women Radio Show
Listen to founder, Kris Steinnes, interview WOW presenters every Friday, 1:00 pm Pacific Time
Live stream and archive shows

Saturday Sponsors

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