Saturday, May 04, 2013
Barbara Whitfield and Sharon Comier---free kindle version
I received the following from my friend Barbara Whitfield and am passing it along to anyone interested:
Barbara Whitfield
Sharon Cormier and I are giving the Kindle version of our new AFGE book away starting tonight at Mid-night through Monday night.
Here is the link to our new book:
Please feel free to pass this along to anyone on your list that may be interested. [If you don't have a Kindle you can download the free Kindle App to your computer or iPad and read the book on that.]
The Back cover carries strong endorsements by Bruce Greyson and Kenneth Ring, but for some reason I cannot paste them onto this site. Sharon "spends much of her energy developing new ways to apply yoga and Buddhist philosophy to her own life and sharing this knowledge with others in workshops and classes. Barbara is especially known for her work in the fields of NDE as well as healing repeated childhood trauma.