Thursday, June 13, 2013
Lhasa in Danger
The following petition arrived in my mail today. Because the subject is (for me and others like me) of such supreme importance, I am reprinting it here, although I could not discover how to relay the signature line itself. The threatened destruction of one of our great spiritual and cultural treasures is extremely disturbing. Many of us consider Tibet our "spiritual home," even though we have not visited there nor are we likely to in this lifetime.
The petition originated from I went to their website to try to locate this petition there, but did not find it listed. However, if you google "destruction of Lhasa," it will take you to the petition on
Petitioning Kishore Rao
Help stop the destruction of my home, Lhasa, Tibet
Petition by
Ngawang Sangdrol
Boston, United States
My name is Ngawang Sangdrol and I am a Tibetan born in Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet. Today I live in exile, unable to return to my beloved homeland as a free person. I share my story with you now as my home, Lhasa, is under severe threat.
This magnificent city has stood on the top of the world for 1,500 years. It stands not only as the physical capital but also as the spiritual capital for Tibetan Buddhists. The old city of Lhasa has been the site of many freedom protests and is a symbol of the Tibetan resilience against China’s occupation. When I was 13 years old, I joined a peaceful protest in Lhasa calling for the long life of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and for Tibetan independence. As a result, I served 11-years in prison for my political actions.
But right now, I am afraid this sacred city faces destruction, environmental risks, and forced evictions to make way for a shopping mall and parking garage.
Please help me defend my home. We must not let Lhasa, a city of immense cultural and historical importance, be destroyed.
The UNESCO World Heritage Committee can help prevent China's wilful destruction of the old city of Lhasa by designating the site as “World Heritage in Danger”. Lhasa’s status as a World Heritage Site is a huge source of pride for China. If Lhasa is listed as being in danger, China must either stop the construction or face losing a World Heritage Site, which would be a major embarrassment.
Don’t let the beauty and historic significance of Lhasa be destroyed!
Kishore Rao, Director, UNESCO World Heritage Centre
cc'd Regina Durighello, Director, World Heritage Programme ICOMOS
Right now, the oldest parts of Tibet's capital Lhasa, a city that has stood on top of the world for thousands of years, are under threat of being destroyed irreplacebly. The extent and impact of China's "modernisation" of this historic city has been brought to world attention in a report that clearly shows evidence of wide scale demolition in the heart of the city, to make way for 'Shopping Malls'...
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Recent signatures
Jodie Arnaudov CHICAGO, IL
dao huynh CYPRESS, CA
Reached 50,000 signatures
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Reasons for signingMost Popular Latest
Maria Gabriella Camboni MILAN, ITALY about 1 month ago Liked 30
Lhasa is a cultural treasure that should be protected and cherished
Maria L. Yau AMERSFOORT, NETHERLANDS about 1 month ago Liked 27
This petition is important to me, because it hurts me to see that China CCP destroy the historic temple of Tibet.
This must be stopped! Please sign the petition!
Sam Price VANCOUVER, CANADA about 1 month ago Liked 27
Enough with China's evil colonial bullshit!!!
N Leleulya UTRECHT, NETHERLANDS about 1 month ago Liked 22
Stop the Cultural Genocide, Save Tibet. Stop the CCP
Manuel Moreira BELLAS, PORTUGAL about 1 month ago Liked 19
Free Tibet
(picture from website)