Kundalini Splendor

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Friday, June 21, 2013

News from Andrew Harvey 

Note:  for further information on the following, go to www.AndrewHarvey.net and look under events

Cosmic Christ and the Historical Jesus
Segment of the Christ Path Seminars
June 29-30

We’ll explore depictions of the historical Jesus and the new vision that has emerged during the last 30 years as a result of the work of The Jesus Seminar and scholars such as Fox, Harvey and Chilton.
Matthew Fox will give an overview of the Historical Jesus as a revolutionary and a radical in all aspects of his message–political, economic, religious.
Andrew Harvey will reveal the secret nature of Jesus’ teachings available in the Gospel of Thomas–and you will discover the Jesus who did not want to be adored as an avatar, but who had discovered an empowering and divinizing relationship with the Father/Mother, and sought to share it with everyone.
Matthew Fox will introduce a new, transformational practice that he has been working on — the Stations of the Cosmic Christ. This practice can transform us and inspire the artist in us to create our own Stations.
We’ll view a film presentation of Father Bede Griffiths, on the depths of mantra and meditation practice on the Christ Path
Attend online or in-person in Pittsburg, PA. For more information on the event or to register click here.

White Lions Leadership Academy

 Please join me at the winter session of the White Lions Leadership Academy in South Africa. The leadership academy was started to inspire and empower participants to embody White Lion leadership principles, and improve their own intellectual, emotional and physical wellbeing, as well as the wellbeing of our planet. The program runs July 19 through August 12. For more information, or to register click here.

Sacred Activism Book Series Launch Webinar: A Change-Makers Summit
When the joy of compassionate service is combined with the pragmatic drive to transform all existing economic, social, and political institutions, a radical divine force is born: Sacred Activism. The Sacred Activism Series, published by North Atlantic Books, presents leading voices that embody the tenets of Sacred Activism—compassion, service, and sacred consciousness—while addressing the crucial issues of our time and inspiring radical action.

To take part in this free webinar on June 25, 2013 from 11 - 12pm registere here.

New Video Series from Chris Saade and Mandy Eppley

Over the last year my dear friends Chris Saade and Mandy Eppley have been working diligently to create a LIFE-CHANGING video series called The Model of Heart-Centered GriefSM. I have personally endorsed this model because it is exactly what our world needs now.

The model is about to be launched…and YOU are among the first to hear about it! I highly encourage you to join Chris and Mandy a very special FREE CALL: "Transforming Your Grief Discovery Session" on Wednesday, June 26 at 4:30 PM Pacific/ 7:30 PM Eastern.
Click here to register for this ground-breaking FREE call.

On this call you’ll learn:
1.     The importance of not resisting your grief, but instead, affirming it!
2.     About a 7-Step process that can lead you into making a difference in the world THROUGH your grief called The Model of Heart-Centered Grief,
3.     PLUS you’ll get a chance to get your questions answered LIVE by Chris Saade & Mandy Eppley!

We are living in a time full of struggle and deconstruction…AND it is NOW that the world needs broken-hearted people to wake up to their calling in order to bring about true change in the world. Let Chris and Mandy show you how you can become EMPOWERED through your grief by joining them for this call on June 26. Register TODAY as that will be the only way to access this valuable information.

For more information, click here.

The New Chartres Academy

The New Chartres Academy is a gathering point for a contemporary wisdom community, through a modern form of the most comprehensive learning system known to civilization—the seven Liberal Arts. The Liberal Arts have their origin in ancient Egypt and were refined through the Greek and Roman philosophical schools. They were brought to their highest expression by the Chartres School during the eleventh and twelfth centuries. The Liberal Arts were designed as initiatory rites, with each Liberal Art preparing the students for the next higher level. For the masters who established the original Chartres School, the purpose of teaching the seven Liberal Arts was to cultivate the mysteries of personal and social transformation. The goal for both students and teachers was to participate in an alchemical process of transformation leading to the embodiment of the divine human.

Please join my from July 7 through 12 in Chartres, France for this transforming class.

For more information on this event, click here.

New Product Available:
An Evolutionary Vision of Relationships: The Spirituality of Romantic Love is a series of 6 passion-filled CDs in which Andrew Harvey and Chris Saade discuss the vision of evolutionary relationships that are deeply spiritual, romantic, and engaged in greater service. The two teachers and authors inspire, share from the heart, cover cutting-edge psychological and spiritual principles, offer concrete practical tools, and explore, for all of us, the dynamics of what is possible within romantic love. Always keeping this evolutionary vision in front of them throughout their dialogues, they explore contributing themes such as Passion, Authenticity, Paradox, Co-Creation, and Celebration.

Each CD is spiritually grounded and simultaneously challenges us to discover the depths of passion possible within our current and future relationships. The series culminates in a sweetly-daring and intimate conversation around Evolutionary Sexuality. This CD set is a must-have for those who desire more within their relationships and seek spiritual guidance and concrete tools.

The cost for the program is $58.00, however for a limited time only we're offering 30% off with coupon code, save30.

To purchase this program please visit our online shop.

(All images from Andrew Harvey's website)

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