Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Animal Communication Continued
More on the Animal Communicator Course from Anna Breytenbach’s workshop as described by one of the attendees : Sharpening the Third Eye and The Principles of Animal Communication
During the afternoon of the first day of The Animal Communicator course, Anna gave us each a picture of an animal that she handed out from a deck of animal cards. I was given a picture of an otter. Someone next to me had an owl, another had bees. We were to close our eyes and imagine ourselves in the body of that animal. We were to look out of its eyes, smell as it would smell, hear what it would hear, swim, run, fly etc. as our animal would. When I got into otter mode, I found myself on a rock on the banks of the Findhorn River and dang if I didn’t smell that river and the mud on its banks. My sense of smell felt so acute. I also thought about fish and sensed that there were some hovering not far away in a cove near the river bank. I thought about my long whiskers and tried to sense the world around me with them. Later when we chatted with another participant about our experience, the woman next to me said that as a bee, all she could see was multi-colored flowers, tons of flowers and the rest of the world was gray. Nothing else mattered but color and anything not a flower was just meaningless, dull background. This was a most interesting activity and it has stayed with me for weeks. Now when I see an animal, I imagine how it must be to exist in that body. Birds especially intrigue me —- their soaring, their singing. Humidity and wind must mean a lot to them.
Another activity Anna had us do was to send a telepathic communication to a person we had partnered with. I was with Eliana from Italy and our first task was for her to send a shade of the color blue to me, any shade she wanted. We were to close our eyes and Eliana was to concentrate on this shade while I was to just sit there and receive. I got a soft blue and what do ya know, I nailed what she had sent. Next I had to send her a shade of brown so I thought real hard about coffee, both beans and a cup of black joe. This attempt was a bust. Eliana saw a light brown like the color of pine wood. So much for the brown test. Next, we had to send each other an image of something that would be found in the kitchen. I sent her a fork and wonder of wonders, she got it. She sent me a cup and all I saw in my mind’s eye was a sphere. Dang. We connected on two of our four tasks which maybe isn’t too bad but we’d have to do this many more times to get some statistical significance. This was an interesting activity and one I would like to try with friends to see if one might become more adept at this sort of telepathy with practice.
At the close of the first day’s session, Anna showed “The Animal Communicator”, the documentary made about her and it was a treat for me to see it again. It is supposed to be available for purchase on a South African website but I couldn’t find it there. I have an email in to the site to see about it and I hope to have the DVD waiting for me in SF by the time I get back. The DVD is only made for region two of the world which is not the US. Anna said it would play on any laptop but alas, not on a North American DVD player.
Having warmed us to the quatum level of communication on the first day, Anna started us on the key principals of communication straight away on day two. So here are the Key Principals of Animal Communication:
1. Openness - Don’t let your knowledge or your thinking get in the way. This is not a brain-oriented process. Communicate from an open heart filled with unconditional love for the animal.
2. Respect - Respect the animal to your fullest reaches. The animal has a right to choose whether or not it wants to communicate and if it does, it doesn’t have to do something you suggest or want. For example, you might suggest it stop biting the mailman but it might choose not to do it. You can tell it what the consequences are to biting people but it is the animal’s choice as to whether it wants to do it. Anna once worked with a young dog who had cancer and she asked it if it wanted to go through treatment for the disease. It said no, it would prefer to die so its owners declined medical intervention and it died within a few months. Likewise an older dog with cancer that she worked with said it wanted treatment and it lived on for quite a while after the treatment. More about animals and death in the next installment.
3. Presence - This is a way of honoring the animal. Animals live in the moment and humans usually do not. The more present and in the moment that we can be, the better we will be at communicating. Anna mentioned a time when she was out in the bush and she came upon a black rhino and its calf. She stayed fully present, looked it in the eye and communicated that she was not to be feared and that she meant no harm. The rhino and baby turned around and walked away.
4. Intention - She stressed that this one is vital. We need to get really firm with ourselves and say, in no uncertain terms, “I-will-have-a-clear-communication-with-this-animal.”
5. Empathy vs sympathy - Empathy works sympathy doesn’t. Acknowledge your animal as the amazing creature it is. Diablo, the black leopard that Anna “saved” in “The Animal Communicator” film, got tons of sympathy for the abuse it had suffered at a Belgian zoo. Sympathy only angered him further. Once Anna and its owners acknowledged its beauty, strength and power, it relaxed and came out of its night cage to explore a vast enclosure provided for it in a South African big cat reserve.
6. Compassion - It is important to feel with the animal rather than having an emotional reaction of our own. Feel the animal’s feelings and don’t superimpose ours onto the animal’s. We might feel as though it is wrong to bite the mailman but as far as a dog might be concerned, the guy has it coming. We must respect that, yet if the dog is going to be euthanized for being too aggressive, we can explain that and even then allow the dog make a choice.
So those are the basics. Stay tuned for the test cases we were all given on day three for our practice in communicating with animals.