Monday, August 05, 2013
Free Webinar from The Shift Network on Wednesday
Free Webinar this Wednesday: (from the Shift Network)
This year it's become clear to me that part of the core of the Shift we're aiming to accelerate is to make the Christ energy within us into a lived reality -- whether we are Buddhist, Jewish, Hindu, Christian, or even agnostic.
I use the term Christ, not to "choose sides" of one religion over another, but to point to a deeper truth beyond religion: namely that our Christ Nature is a non-sectarian description of a higher potential -- in the same way we might talk about Buddha Mind.
For me, this Christ Nature has a specific quality -- a sacred marriage of masculine and feminine, transcendence and imminence, radiant cosmic love and palpable human presence.
It's got a bit more fire, wildness and play to it than when I visualize Buddha Mind. It's a kind of a mastery of embodied human life that happens by downloading higher spiritual energies into daily acts of love. When we embody that mystical Christ energy within us, we don't end up on a serene mountaintop, but rather expressing the fusion of spirit and matter IN the marketplace.
We become a socially-engaged evolutionary of change.
However, to do this requires the integration of specific qualities, such as truly unconditional love, all-pervasive joy, deep humility -- and a kind of lightness of being.
No one lives this full embodiment of the mystic Christ the way spiritual teacher Bill Bauman does: he's part sage, part businessman, part priest, part Leprechaun -- and part a whole lotta other things.
On staff, he's a "favorite" behind the scenes because he truly integrates this spirit with all of his interactions.
Bill has a remarkable ability to transmit his deep realization of his "Christ-ed" self to other people.
On Wednesday night, we'll have the blessing to journey into our sacred depths with him in a free teleseminar called Embodying the Mystic Christ Within.
Bill will be sharing some of the advanced teachings and practices that will be covered more expansively during his upcoming 7-month training -- all for free. He'll also be leading us in a meditation that will help you to explore your personal depths.
You'll have a chance to learn some of the key foundations for embodying Christ consciousness when you join us on Wednesday -- as well as to simply savor the presence of this mischievous mystic who pours out a never-ending stream of love (and a fair dose of humor).
To de-mystify the journey of Christ consciousness and ignite the next steps on your path -- join us here:
In spirit,
Stephen Dinan
(Note: recently when I drove up to the Continental Divide with friends, I saw this gentleman playing his violin. He was playing "Nearer Thy God to Thee," a piece well chosen, I thought for the setting.)