Kundalini Splendor

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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Flooding in Boulder County 

Somehow, I missed it.  Friends started calling early this morning to see if I was O.K. and I (not having heard the news of floods in this area) assured them that nothing unusual
was going on in this vicinity.  Finally, I turned on the news and discovered that there were in fact flash flood warnings in many surrounding areas, and also some for Boulder itself.  I was amazed.  I had walked home from the downtown district yesterday (about a mile) and had had no problems other than a bit of water in the gutters.  But when I  saw the pictures of raging streams and creeks overflowing, I realized how serious the situation was.

Fortunately, nothing so threatening had occurred in my part of town.  I was (and am) snug and dry and am well supplied with food and other necessities.  So I am not in any way a flood victim, even though one of the many Boulder creeks runs right behind my building.  I have learned that this structure is in fact located in a "flood plain," and that another 100-year flood is overdue.  However, this present one was estimated at about a "50-year" flood, certainly serious but not totally devastating.

Some major damage and displacements have occurred, including some areas of nearby towns being evacuated and at least one community completely cut off for the time being.  Residents there are warned to boil their water and remain in their homes.  Boulder and other towns have set up emergency shelters.  Boulder announced that two that had been opened, and then authorities immediately warned citizens not to try to go there because of the unsafe road conditions.

One of the more dramatic incidents occurred when a small bridge outside of the city gave way, causing three cars to fall into the turbulent waters below.  All the passengers were,
fortunately, rescued without serious injuries.

As is so often the case, you must be careful about what you pray for. In this case, our long enduring drought was--finally--broken, but then we received too much of a good thing.

(Photo of cars in creek courtesy of Smugmug;  2nd photo from Daily Camera)

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