Kundalini Splendor

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Friday, March 21, 2014

Beyond Awakening presents Bill Plotkin 

Beyond Awakening presents Bill Plotkin:

Beyond Apocalypse vs. Utopia: The Soul Opportunity of Our Time with Bill Plotkin

by Terry Patten

Join me on Sunday, March 23rd, at 10 AM PDT for a conversation with depth psychologist, wilderness guide, and author Bill Plotkin entitled, “Beyond Apocalypse vs. Utopia: The Soul Opportunity of Our Time”.

Bill is the author of three books, Soulcraft, Nature and the Human Soul, and Wild Mind. He is a powerful and inspiring voice for the soul of natural places and creatures and for the parts of the human soul that are interwoven with the soul of the natural world. He has deep experience in guiding people through the underworld descent into the soul, as a process that flowers into a life of meaningful service and fulfillment, or a deepening for those already on the journey.

As you may be aware, I have long been an activist and an advocate for spiritual activism, and I have recently been deeply exploring soul work, and envisioning an integral expression of soul work. I’m excited to talk with Bill in the context of a deep appreciation of the centrality of soul to our current cultural and spiritual evolution.

And in this conversation, we have decided to focus on the big questions faced by spiritual activists contemplating the current state of the planet. We plan to explore questions such as:

—What is emerging today at the leading edge of human transformation?

—Is our current, planetary crisis leading only to disaster?

—Has humanity gone terribly wrong?

—Or might this be a late phase of an evolutionary opportunity whose outcome is as yet entirely uncertain?

—Is our current crisis precisely the sort to be expected on any planet on which a species evolves into conscious self-awareness?

—If we are faced now with a definitive evolutionary opportunity, how might we fully meet this opportunity?

I invite you to join us!

About Bill Plotkin

 Bill Plotkin is the author of Soulcraft: Crossing into the Mysteries of Nature and Psyche (an experiential guidebook), Nature and the Human Soul: Cultivating Wholeness and Community in a Fragmented World (a nature-based stage model of human development through the entire lifespan), and Wild Mind: A Field Guide to the Human Psyche (an ecocentric map of the psyche — for healing, growing whole, and cultural transformation).

He has a doctorate in psychology from the University of Colorado at Boulder, after which he had a career as a research psychologist (studying non-ordinary states of consciousness), a professor of psychology, and a psychotherapist. In 1979, on a solo winter ascent of an Adirondack peak, Bill experienced a call to adventure, leading him to abandon academia in search of his true calling. Since then, after founding western Colorado’s Animas Valley Institute in 1981, he has guided thousands of women and men through nature-based initiatory passages, including a contemporary, Western adaptation of the pan-cultural vision quest.


Sunday, March 23rd at 10:00am Pacific; 11:00am Mountain; 12:00pm Central; 1:00pm Eastern

*Find Your Local Time

Please Note: There will be a limited number of lines available on the live conference call, so we encourage you to listen online if possible. To make sure you can get through by phone, we encourage you to dial in early.


To listen live by phone, dial:  206-402-0100  (alternate #: 501-707-0312)
Then, enter Access Code: 272072#
To listen live online go to:  http://instantteleseminar.com/?eventID=51927906
To download the audio after the teleseminar is complete go to the Beyond Awakening Audio Page

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