Kundalini Splendor

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Friday, June 06, 2014

Andrew Harvey free on Sunday 

I received the following from Stephan Dinan of the Shift Network:

Dear Dorothy Walters,

I hope this email finds you well and that you're having a great week.

I wanted to send you a quick note to let you know about a special Christ Path event that's taking place this SUNDAY, June 8 from 10:00am - 1:00pm Pacific.

It's a FREE online mini-summit called "The Christ Path Conference" -- and will consist of 3 one-hour-plus sessions that we've recently recorded with the renowned mystic and scholar, Andrew Harvey.

The central theme for this unique 3-part teleconference will focus on the advanced teachings and practices of esoteric Christianity, as well as the questions people have had about about living Christ Consciousness or participating in Andrew's upcoming 9-month Christ Path Advanced Intensive -- which starts next week on June 11.

We recorded each of these sessions over the this past month and people LOVED them -- so much that we wanted to make them available in one special event to be sure that everyone had a chance to listen to Andrew's powerful message and insights.

It's truly time for us to reclaim the higher possibility for the Christ Path, and no one is more brilliantly pioneering this pathway than Andrew Harvey. This work is at the core of living a divinely human life. Here is the schedule for Sunday's call:

10:00am Pacific
    Living Christ Consciousness

11:00am Pacific
    Advanced Teachings and Practices - Coaching + Q&

12:00pm Pacific
    The Christ Path Advanced Intensive - Coaching + Q&

Feel free to listen to the whole event or drop in anytime!

Here is your call in info:

Listen in on our free webcast at http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventid=54067953
You can also join us by phone: Dial (425) 440-5100 and enter the PIN 862166#

If you would like to delve deeper into the heart and soul of Christian mysticism or The Christ Path Advanced training, I strongly encourage you to attend this special event.

  In spirit,
PS - If you're interested in learning more and reserving your space for Andrew's upcoming Christ Path Advanced Intensive, please visit the course page below. We have a terrific international group of 150 who are already registered -- and it's promising to be stellar. And remember, when you sign up this extended course, you'll also receive all of the recordings and materials from my 7-module introductory training.

Reserve your space now >> The Christ Path: Advanced Intensive (9-month Practicum)


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