Saturday, October 18, 2014
Replay of Sally Kempton--Tuesday, October 21, 5:30 Pacific--A Must Listen!!!
I just listened to a one hour broadcast from The Shift Network by Sally Kempton--Dancing with the Goddess Kundalini. I cannot recommend this replay highly enough. It was, in short, the best presentation on Kundalini that I have ever heard. Sally dispels old myths, offers meaningful practices (for me these were themselves transmissions of sacred energies) and insightful comments on the role of Kundalini and the Goddess in human evolution. And--I just enrolled in her upcoming webinar course on Dancing with the Goddess, part 2. Listen to the free replay as described below:
Dear Dorothy Walters,
What an incredible call we had earlier today with Sally Kempton! I loved how she vividly described her first Kundalini awakening, which opened her to an entirely new mental and spiritual state...
Her journey is a powerful model for the rest of us, especially in dispelling all the myths around Kundalini. Instead of being an "unruly" even destructive force as some people believe, Kundalini is purifying and transformative, especially as we shift from seeing it as an unconscious "it" that needs to be controlled to a "She" filled with loving sentience that is service to our growth.
I found myself literally rewiring my beliefs about my body, and energy on the call. I've never even considered the subtle sensations of breathing as being a caress of the Goddess! While it might be easy on the surface to dismiss that perception of sentience, when you dive with Sally into the depths, as you have, it's very clear this opens up a whole new realm of embodied, reverential spiritual practice.
If you missed the event, Dancing with Goddess Kundalini: How to Tap Your Primal Energy of Liberation, not to worry--we'll be hosting an encore at 5:30 Pacific | 8:30 Eastern next Tuesday, October 21st.
Here's how you call in:
Encore Presentation
Dancing With Goddess Kundalini
With Sally Kempton
Tuesday, October 21st
5:30pm Pacific | 8:30 pm Eastern
Connect to the webcast at
Or dial (425) 440-5100 and enter the PIN 862166#
In addition to sharing practices to transform your consciousness and open to direct mystical experiences that deliver wisdom and spiritual knowledge AND create a more sensuous relationship with your body as well as deeper levels of sexuality, Sally touched on key teachings and offered some practices from her upcoming seven-week Wisdom Goddess Empowerment (Part Two) Unfolding the Goddess Within: Kundalini & the Awakening of the Divine Human
This program will go into lived practice of working the Kundalini as an actual Goddess practice, something passed down by generations of Tantric adepts.
Because the response was so off-the-charts for Sally's recent Wisdom Goddess Empowerment Part 1, we wanted to open the door to taking this journey to new people like yourself, while also giving you the chance to learn all the foundations of Goddess practice from the Wisdom Goddess Empowerment Part 1. So we've bundled the recent program AND the new one together for you at a special price, allowing you to enter into a veritable initiation into Goddess practice.
If you choose join Sally for this new training, beginning November 4th, you'll have an opportunity to develop a deep relationship with the evolutionary force of Kundalini energy and receive powerful practices that are safe and purifying, benign and powerful!
Even better, if you enroll by midnight Pacific TONIGHT, you'll receive a cool bonus audio session: Sally's recorded conversation with Swami Chetanananda, "Kundalini, Tantra and the Expansion of Your Own Powers."
The unfolding of kundalini gives you access to abilities that you may not fully understand. In this powerful dialogue with Sally, Swami Chetanananda, a kundalini yoga and tantric master discusses the tantric approach to yoga and how to work with the abilities that kundalini unfolds.
This also incentivizes you to sign up soon so you can catch up with WGE 1. To get the extra bonus, you'll need to register for the seven-week training by midnight tonight: Unfolding the Goddess Within: Kundalini & the Awakening of the Divine Human
And once again, if you missed the live call today, join us for the juicy encore presentation with Sally on Tuesday!
In spirit,
Stephen Dinan