Kundalini Splendor

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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Rashani Re'a, Poet, Artist, Feminist, Wise Woman 

Recently, I have been in correspondence with Rashani Re'a, a remarkable artist and visionary who has become known world wide for her beautiful collages, one of which is reprinted here.  This particular poem has been reprinted in numerous anthologies and given hope and inspiration to the many who have read it.  It speaks to our yearning for deep healing when we experience grief.  If you turn to her website, you will find many such collages reprinted.  They are indeed amazing, just as she is an amazing woman.  

Rashani lives in Hawai'i, where she operates a retreat center for both men and women.  She has had a remarkable life, which she describes on her site.

Recently we connected on the internet and discovered that each of us had had poems set to music by the same composer and musician in England.  These were performed a few years ago in the Royal Opera house in London.  Then she told me that she herself had recommended me to this composer, something I had not known before.  We also both were represented in an anthology of spiritual poetry a few years back.

Go to her website and see more of her beautiful greeting cards and read more about her life and her sanctuary at:


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