Kundalini Splendor

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Thursday, January 08, 2015

Barbara Marx Hubbard and Human Evolution into a New Species 

For many years, forward thinkers have speculated on the process of human evolution.  These visionaries have included such spiritual leaders as Teilhard de Chardin, Sri Aurobindo, and Gopi Krishna.  All agree that a new type of human is in the making, as we transition into a new level of consciousness and move toward what some call "the divine human."

This evolution is not a mere biological transformation, in the Darwinian sense.  It involves the transformation of spirit and capacities through the operation of Kundalini itself, the governing element which brings the incorporation of higher frequencies into the body, and spiritual transformation into the "more than human" level.

One who subscribes to the theory of a new species coming into being is Barbara Marx Hubbard, who has long been recognized as a leading spokesperson in this field.  In a recent internet talk on this subject, she offered an overview of the many writers and thinkers who have contributed in one way or another to the major shift that is occurring.  Many of these theorists have been around for decades, and each has explored a facet of the change that appears to be happening across the globe, as more and more people are being reshaped into a new configuration. Here are some of the names and topics she mentioned:

Maslow on self-actualization

Prigogine  on moving to a higher level of organization after chaos

Power with rather than power over

Co-creation (humanity and divine purpose)

The feminine principle as a guiding force in human affairs

A quantum field consciousness which allows us to connect with others

The possibility of "pods" of humans vibrating together at higher frequencies

Raising our own frequencies as part of the evolutionary process

Discovering and expressing our creative life purpose

She asserts that many are already undergoing transformation, as numbers swell across the globe.

Often people are doing it in private without the aid of authorities or group endeavors

She sees this phenomenon as part of a universal process of transfiguration and speaks of the participants as Sacred Journeyers.

Actually, many of these insights entered our thought stream decades ago.  Marilyn Ferguson ("The Aquarian Conspiracy") was writing about them as long ago as the seventies.  And, in fact, I was including many of these notions in my courses at that time.

The one least familiar idea (for me) was the concept of "human pods" working together to accelerate the change.  I long ago foresaw that such pods or collectives might form in the spirit world, so as to serve humanity in a more effective way, but I had not considered such groups operating in contemporary society.

I also feel that Ms. Hubbard failed to address what to me is an essential part of inner transformation, and that is the actual feeling level of the process.  She does not include this highly subjective inner response to the personal transition, notably the bliss that accompanies the embodiment of higher energies through merger with the Beloved Within. She also overlooks the actual changes that occur in the nervous system, which now becomes ever more sensitive and aware.  Nor does she credit the role of Kundalini, which I feel, along with Gopi Krishna, is the vital instrument of transformation.  She also fails to address the challenges of the journey, as the person struggles to incorporate the new frequencies into their nervous and biological systems.

Evolution does not occur as a sudden leap from one level of functioning to the next.  It is a long and sometimes difficult process as humanity strives to move ahead, person by person, toward the goal of becoming a new species.

Shift Network will present a repeat of the talk I heard on this coming Saturday.  Here are the details for listening:

Here are all the details for Saturday's encore:
The Conscious Evolutionary 2.0: How to Ride the Edge of Evolution into Your Full Potential

With Barbara Marx Hubbard, Bestselling Author & Evolutionary Consciousness Pioneer
Saturday, January 10, 2015
10:00am Pacific | 1pm Eastern

Call in details:

Dial (425) 440-5100 and enter the PIN 498523#
Or connect to the webcast at http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventid=63346404

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