Kundalini Splendor

Kundalini Splendor <$BlogRSDURL$>

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

"Who Would You Be" ––poem by Jan Elvee 

Who would you be if you had no plan,
not even a grand spiritual plan;
for instance, to walk the labyrinth at Chartres,
or the Camino in northern Spain,
to show up at a silent retreat in the mountains.
or to read a book, to write a poem,
or face the creatures within that have kept you from Love?

You might experience a curious emptiness,
a pulsing vibrating aliveness in your solar plexus,
a pure void that doesn't need to be filled, that just is.
Who are you now?

You might then embrace your mind,
stunned, and yet willing, even eager
to surrender to this other sort of plan;
paradoxical, compelling, devotional.

Who would you be then?

Jan, February 14

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