Kundalini Splendor

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Friday, March 13, 2015

When "awakening" seems to vanish 

Many of us experience "dry periods," when all of our "awakening" states seem to vanish for unknown reasons.  Our bliss, our love making with the Beloved, have gone away--we are left in a state of lost connection, and we are convinced that we will never return to our earlier experience of transcendence.  I have undergone this period of seeming loss many times and have announced that "Now it is finished.  I will never again enter that divine moment of connection and rapture again."  But--then, for some reason, it returns--sometimes stronger than ever, even years after the original experience.

A friend had such an experience recently.  She was convinced that her kundalini had vanished forever, but I assured her it would ultimately return.  Then unexpectedly, after long absence, it was back again:  "luminous floral essence in my heart, incredibly...she...incredibly pure sweet bliss beauty."

Narayani suggests that this hiatus is the time for integration, rather than rapture.  I agree with this suggestion, but I also feel that integration may well be followed by reawakening of earlier bliss energies, for they are part of the same process.  Nothing is lost, all is regained, again and again, as our systems are being reshaped into a new configuration.  All is part of the evolution of consciousness which is occurring worldwide.   

Where did my awakening go?

Dear Beloved,

Have you ever felt like you you LOST a spiritual experience or it WENT AWAY and you miss it? If so, you should know that this is a common obstacle on the path. Below is a story about how I learned about this lesson and cleared this obstacle in my life.

In 2002,  I met a super magical enlightened teacher whom I spent a potent month with. My life changed rapidly from the inside-out.  It was intense and powerful and I was in an altered state for several months.

The teacher at that time explained that many people lose this enlightened state and so I did my best to hold onto it. But what I discovered is that I could not HOLD on because life as a human is in constant flux and perceptions are constantly changing.

With support and over time, I learned the value of using my awakening experience to manifest and create the life I wanted to live. The key was not to HOLD ONTO the STATE but to integrate and apply it to walk a life of balance and joy.

True Awakening cannot go away. Truth is that this process of integration takes time to digest and requires the right environment in order to sustain.

We can try to hold onto states of being - but it is not about the changing states....It is, however, all about the presence of awareness and how we show up for life.

If you want more on this topic, check out this video blog where I share all about the subject of integrating awake states and I will continue to throughout the month in the vlogs as well as  next week's Free Spring Equinox Activation TeleClass.


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