Kundalini Splendor

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Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Another world 

Another World

Now I live in this other world,
this place of now.

So many worlds have passed away
and it is as if I alone
am left to remember them,
(Ishmael at sea?)
Friends become souls anointed
or drifting,
paragraphs in a paper recounting,
once enemies even their names

What was the name of that one
who occupied my mind
for so long?
Who was it played a prank on me,
set my hair ablaze?

That woman who turned
the bed down each night,
secret touching in a car
traveling at night.

What became of the others,
those who barely made an imprint,
went on to become famous,
or else lapsed into a kind
of twilight routine?

Did they ever think of me?
Did they remember any of it,
an hour or a second,
moments so precious then?

Dorothy Walters
April 27, 2015

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