Kundalini Splendor

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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Kundalini, Flowers, and Feeling 

How do you know but every bird
 that cuts the airy way, 
is an immense world of delight, 
closed by your senses five?

William Blake

Kundalini, Flowers, and Feeling

This morning I received an announcement about a new group (TheEdge @evolutionaryleaders.net) that is forming that is dedicated to exploring new approaches to the future.  Two conferences are planned, one in Japan (May 15-17), the other in Denmark (May 16).  The flyer contained the names of many luminaries, all well known in the field of spiritual and social transformation.

However, I was disappointed to discover that not a single one mentioned Kundalini or new feeling states or experiences of bliss, much less transcendent ecstasy.  Their focus was, rather, on refashioning our social structures and mental attitudes to build a new world.

Their efforts are, of course, extremely valuable and much needed on this planet, but they are, I believe, preliminary stages to a still "higher" state of evolutionary development.

My focus lately has been on feeling as such as a necessary ingredient to the new state of consciousness.  Now, "feeling," is an ambiguous word.  It can indeed allude to emotional or psychological states such as "feeling happy" or "feeling sad" or "feeling angry" or "feeling remorse."  But it has another usage (more than one, actually.)  When we talk about " feeling bliss" we are referring to more than a psychological statr.  It is as if we have a sixth sense that puts us in touch with our own responses going on within, literally at the cellular level, leading to sensuous and, sometimes, even quasi-erotic delight.  These are sensations, not mere emotional states, and to ignore them is to omit a key ingredient in our makeup.

Kudalini often produces such reactions (though not always).  It can carry us to the heights (or else take us to the depths).  The former states can often be experienced as we listen to music, absorb at a deep level the sounds and meanings of poetry, stand on sacred ground, absorb the radiant vibrations of a special piece of artwork, move in a deliberate or spontaneous way, come into the presence of someone we love or a group with aligned energies, or even smell a delightful odor.  There are indeed other ways as well since this list is of necessity partial.

I know one woman whose Kundalini activated in an intense way when she visited Macchu Pichu.  Another feels this energetic delight when she visits and communes with the whales (from the deck of a boat) in the Atlantic ocean off Venezuela.

But this morning I had yet another kind of bliss experience  I was walking home when I paused to admire a patch planted with lovely flowers and plants.  Now, I often go into an "altered state" when I connect with nature in various forms.  And I love the visual stimulus they provide.  But this was different.

As I gazed lovingly at the various plantings, my "bliss system" got activated and I felt delicate, sweet energies flow within.  I knew this was Kundalini moving in a most subtle form.  It continued to ripple through softly as I looked now at one, now at another of these living creations.  I realized that even when nature carries us to high states of  awareness and we almost dance with joy, there is yet another level, in which we resonate in a palpable way with what we are seeing.  We enter and experience this energy field as inner vibration, and know its sweetness as our own.

Later, when I paused to contemplate another group of flowers, I was struck with a yet different notion.  What if the flowers experience our vibratory fields just as we feel theirs?  We know that growing things have definite, measurable frequencies.  Perhaps the exchange is mutual.  Perhaps all that is alive, including all animals as well as trees and other such living beings, actually live in a paradise of sensations, and that we, when we perhaps  evolve into angelic beings will, likewise, move into such constant edenic realms and our world will be one of never ending "feelings" of bliss.

Dorothy Walters
May 12, 2012

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