Friday, February 12, 2016
Craig Hamilton--Activating the inner Postures of Awakened Consciousness
Dear Dorothy,
As you know, every month I lead a global meditation gathering called Meditation for Evolutionaries.
It’s always an extraordinary experience for me to participate in the powerful collective field that forms when hundreds of us come together in meditation.
But sometimes the event wildly exceeds even my expectations and ends up taking all of us somewhere I didn’t anticipate.
This past Sunday was one such gathering, so I wanted to share the audio with you in case you missed the live event.
To listen online or download it to your computer, just visit the link below:
Meditation for Evolutionaries Audio Download: Activating the Inner Postures of Awakened Consciousness
If you’ve been reading my emails, you’ve no doubt heard about the upcoming year-long program I’m leading with my good friend and colleague Jeff Carreira: Opening to the Infinite.
As I’ve shared, the primary focus of this 12-month program is on teaching and activating what we’ve come to call the Eight Inner Postures of Awakened Consciousness.
These “inner postures” are based on the natural dispositions of the awakened mind and when we practice them, we are essentially stepping directly into our own already awakened self.
Until now, we’ve only spoken briefly about these inner postures, but in this past Sunday’s meditation gathering, I spontaneously found myself guiding the group in an in-depth practice of three of these postures: Immediacy, Inclusivity and Limitlessness.
This spontaneous flow seemed to take all of us present right into the deep end. After the event, I received a flood of responses from people sharing that the practice had given them access to an experience of awakening they hadn’t experienced in meditation before.
Given how challenging meditation can be for so many of us, I wanted to share the audio with everyone right away in the hopes that listening to it will give you the same experience we had on the live call.
If you’re interested in deepening your meditation practice and have a little time this week, I encourage you to find a quiet place and give the audio a listen.
And after you do, please share your experience on our Facebook page so we can all benefit and learn from it.
While I’m writing, I also want to take this opportunity to remind you that our yearlong Opening to the Infinite program starts in less than two weeks with a one-day virtual retreat on Saturday, February 6.
Opening to the Infinite is dedicated not only to activating, but also to sustaining the miracle of awakened awareness.
We have created a yearlong structure that we believe is intensive enough to generate the energy we need, subtle enough to convey the true depths of awakening, and at the same time accommodating to the realities of our busy lives.
You can learn all about it at the link below:
Opening to the Infinite Online Course Brochure
Thank you for your commitment to awakening and your interest in this work.
To our evolution,