Kundalini Splendor

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Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Prayer to the Beloved 

Prayer to the Beloved

Please stay with me,
do not leave.

I will never leave,
for I am you.

Please show me the way,
tell me what to do.

You already know
what to do.
You are your own guide.

How can I know
that you are there,
not gone away to some
unknown place?

I am always there
not beside but
inside you.
You and I are
the same being,
bound in love,
cells within the same body,
ever holding each other close.
Attend and you will feel
me stirring inside.
I am god, the goddess,
the many breasted Diana,
Krishna and all the rest.
I am you.

Dorothy Walters
August 7, 2017

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