Kundalini Splendor

Kundalini Splendor <$BlogRSDURL$>

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Consciousness Sampler––BEES,IANDS PRESENTATION 

Good News:  My phone is working again.  My fault.  I was not inserting the cable connection correctly and thus was getting no charge at all on the phone.!!!

Here is a link to a full description of the CONSCIOUSNESS SAMPLER:

Here is a brief summary of a meeting coming up on October 1:


Various speakers will present for about 45 minutes each, to describe their personal unusual experiences, from shamanism to NDE to OOB and Kundalini awakening.  It will be quite interesting to those caring about unusual states of consciousness.

9:30-4:30 p.m.
Speakers begin at 9:30am.  Seats available at 9:00am
All seats are first-come, first served at the door.  I speak 11:15-12:00.

Boulder Inn Best Western Plus
Aspen Leaf Room, 770 28th Street, Boulder (north of Baseline,
east of US 36 on the 28th street frontage road)

$15.00 for all or part day

 I will be speaking on Spontaneous Kundalini Awakening and its similarity  to NDE experiences, plus the implications for evolution of consciousness at about 11:a.m. on Sunday, October 1.

There are 5 other speakers attendees may resonate with as well.

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