Saturday, December 09, 2017
We are all sent down here alone.
It is as if someone had
flung seeds from a higher place
and we came forth, blossoming
and seeking light.
Some of us took refuge
in already established forms,
ways of being.
We poured easily into pre-established molds.
We did not question, but accepted
what was given,
glad for the comfort
of others of our kind.
Others of us were restless,
wanted answers,
rummaged ancient texts,
challenged teachers,
sought to remember,
where we came from,
our assignment here.
No one had an easy path.
Some were seduced by riches and success,
custom, their own talent.
Others forged ahead on
their own way,
a difficult journey,
no companions,
often no landmarks,
only savage sun,
blinding snow.
Our progress varied.
Those who did not travel
very far
were often happy just where they were
and had no desire to explore.
They chose not to ask too many questions
and took for granted what was given.
Others kept trying new pathways,
different routes and investigations
to move ahead.
And when these finally seemed
to arrive
at a longed for destination,
a different vision,
the rest were often suspicious,
felt indeed that they had
lost their way, needed help
or censure.
Nonetheless the adventurers
stood by their choices,
gave thanks to find at last
the hidden jewel
and knelt before what they knew
was holy,
the reason why they came.
Dorothy Walters
December 8, 2017