Kundalini Splendor

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Friday, January 05, 2018

"The Happening"––poem by Dorothy 

The Happening

Frankly, I am getting worried.
Earthquakes to the West,
blizzards attacking the East,
chaos at the top,
violence ripping the world apart

What have we done
to create such circumstance?
Are we now mere victims,
arms bound to our chests and tongues gagged,
waiting silently for what is next,
is there nothing we can do.?

Yet, despite all,
there is a secret.
And it is telling us
that more is involved
than is described in the
or talked about
by the panels of experts.
Something is afoot,
something strange and wonderful
and unseen.
And real.

It is sending out a signal
that many are receiving.
It is calling out in
an unnamed voice
that great numbers are
resonating with.

Call it Spirit.
call it Joy,
call it whatever you like,
it is here,
it is happening,
we are its progeny,
its children of love.

We are here
to proclaim its presence,
to allow its realty to happen
in our cells
and our veins,
to allow it to refashion us
into the next incarnation of who we are.

Dorothy Walters
January 5, 2018

(image from Hubble site)

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