Kundalini Splendor

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Saturday, March 03, 2018

Something Inside––poem by Dorothy 

Something Inside

Now that I have grown older,
it is time to think about things
that really matter.

Did I ever learn anything
from all those broken hearts?
The seniors in rank who rated 
what I did
who were so inept?
The childhood tapes
that just kept on playing
no matter what?

The way things changed
so suddenly?

The many gifts
that have been showered
upon me?
The beautiful people
I know and hold dear?
The mysteries that surrounded
me that I could never unravel?

Something inside has held me
through it all.
It is still here,
leading me on,
even if I still don't know
its face, its name,
or even the destination.

Dorothy Walters
February 24, 2018

(image from internet)

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