Thursday, April 19, 2018
The Awakening
The Awakening
No one can explain to me
how this happened.
One day a jewel opened
in my head.
Its rays went forth,
turning my body into light
as it moved.
First I meditated on an image,
the great god who dances
to keep the world alive.
Then it was the one with a flute,
seducing all who listen.
After that it was sacred postures,
each a stance of rapture,
beauty racing through my veins.
Next it was music,
divine supplication
of the ears.
And mantras repeated
as I listened,
Om Navah Shivaya
Om bhur bhuva swaha
Om Om Om
Sacred syllables resonating
every corpuscle and pore.
Then I bought a tangka
and placed it on my wall.
Each morning I bowed
to Buddha,
felt ecstasy flow in my head,
my circling blood.
Each time
a new teacher within,
each from a different place
with another instruction.
And always music,
kirtan, Brahms, Krishna Das,
too rich to imagine.
The feelings of bliss
grew ever more subtle,
more refined.
Slightly moving fingers,
gentle movements
of the eyes
enough to rouse the
indescribable joy.
Hands circling around
my body,
aura stroked in bliss,
each time a miracle,
ecstasy more delicate,
more refined.
Now even a whiff of
frankincense and myrrh enough
to summon rapture,
the field of bliss.
I am becoming other
than who I have been.
I am being readied
to move onward in my life,
to ascend with the throng of us
who are also preparing
across our world.
This is the omega point,
the alchemic gold achieved.
We are all gripped by a love
who holds us
as we go through.
Dorothy Walters
April 18, 2018
(image by unknown artist)