Kundalini Splendor

Kundalini Splendor <$BlogRSDURL$>

Friday, May 11, 2018

How I Learned to Channel  

How I Learned to Channel

Today was special.  I woke up feeling exalted for having found a new place to live, and here is what happened:

First, while I was in my dressing room, I picked  up my favorite essence, "Frankincense and Amber."  I waved it over my face a few times and immediately entered a slightly altered state.   This scent always brings deep relaxation and often, as happened this morning, my shoulders immediately went down and I felt sweet energies move within.  I raised my hands above my head and felt much bliss in the head.  I placed my hands a few inches away from body while I moved them down and around my physical body, until I reached my feet (via intention).  The sensation was delightful.

I next repeated my mantra silently and then, for some reason, decided to say it aloud, something I seldom do.  My voice immediately went into a lower register, sounding much like a male (from a previous incarnation?)  And then, much to my surprise, I decided to see if I could channel words aloud.  I had never done this before.

And then then a different voice spoke.  It was that of a mature female, with a decided Irish accent.  As far as I could tell, the accent was quite authentic, rolling r's and all.  She spoke in very simple language.

At first she assured me that she had been with me always and spoke messages of love and assurance.

Then I decided to ask a question.  I asked to learn something about the future.  The answer came in chant form:

"Trouble ahead, trouble ahead,
stay together, stay together."

This chant was repeated several times, sometimes becoming "Stay together, you can weather."

This chant reminded me of the I Ching reading: "Gather your friends around you.  In friendship there is strength.

Whatever the source of these words, they were clearly good advice.

Was this my inner guide speaking at last?  When I asked for her name, I got "Samantha."  Actually, I sleep with Samantha every night, for that is the name of the sheep who furnished the wool for the blanket on my bed.

Later, I tried to see if I could speak with an Irish accent once more, but I had limited success.

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