Wednesday, May 30, 2018
The Master's Grace––Fred La Motte
The Master's Grace
Without the Master's grace,
it is only a word, a sound.
By the Master's grace,
it is an ocean of fire.
Without the Master's grace,
it is effort, control, concentration.
By the Master's grace,
it is whirling, expanding, falling,
being held.
Without the Master's grace,
it is only the mind
trapped in thoughts about "God."
By the Master's grace,
there is no thought;
there is only the physiology of starlight,
every neuron immersed
in the nectar of the sun.
Without the Master's grace,
an atom of this body is a particle,
weary with density and mass.
By the Master's grace,
this body is a wilderness of love-waves.
It is that sea of fire, dancing.
It is that oceanic Name
of Her who sings us into being.
Therefor I bow down,
bow down, bow down.
Yet even bowing happens
by the Master's grace.
~ Fred LaMotte
(image from internet)