Wednesday, June 20, 2018
About the Children
Note: I have just learned that "he" has signed an executive order stopping this inhumane practice, because of the massive public protest. It is reassuring to know that the people can have some effect in shaping public policy.
About the Children
Of all the abominations perpetrated by the present administration, perhaps the worst is the current practice of separating parents from their children. The latter are then often placed in cages, although the overseers call them instead 'walls made of wire." This of course is Orwellian in the extreme, for they are indeed cages, with concrete floors. The children are distraught and the traumatized. The parents are frantic. Often they are refugees fleeing countries where their own lives are in danger. We have always had a policy of accepting those who sought political asylum, once they passed certain vetting procedures. We now have a policy of sustained cruelty to those who would seek haven and refuge on our shores.
Apparently, there simply is no procedure for uniting parents and offspring, once the separation has taken place. Sometimes the children are left behind as parents are deported, often facing likely death in their home countries. Currently, 70 children are thus ripped from their parents daily and incarcerated in these detention camps. This is what we have come to. We have been told that those who wish to come here are 'rapists and murderers." I don't think so.
Our governing agencies are out of control. Their policies are those of dictators rising to power in a fascist state. Democracy and decency have been cast aside for a policy of intentional cruelty on all fronts. Many in positions of authority seem to have traded their souls for blind party loyalty.
Any cursory reading of history reveals how practices currently followed by our present government overseers and many supporters follow the playbook of the dictators and fascist leaders who took over in the last century in various other countries. Their tactics include constant propaganda aimed at the populace (Fox News), suppression of the press (we see this constantly), takeover of the justice system (ongoing attempts here), and other similar activities.
I am wondering if sadism is part of the makeup of our deranged ruler, the man who would be king. He and his followers appear to revel in the suffering of others. Something dangerous and indeed terrifying seems to be rooted in his psyche (obvious narcissism and sociopathic delusion) as well as those who support him.
This is a crisis of huge proportions. We cannot let our democratic principles including our Bill of Rights to be dismantled by the current regime. We must do all we can to avert the takeover before it is too late. It can happen here.