Friday, June 08, 2018
Anam Cara Newsletter (from Lawrence Edwards)
Anam Cara Meditation Foundation
Perennial Wisdom For The Soul's Journey
June 8, 2018
Wisdom of the Tao
Tao Te Ching, v. 22
"Surrender brings perfection"
The crooked become straight
The empty become full
The worn become new
Have little and gain much
Have much and be confused
So the Sage embraces the One
and becomes a model for the world
Without showing himself, he shines forth
Without promoting himself, he is distinguished
Without claiming reward, he gains endless merit
Without seeking glory, his glory endures
The Sage knows how to follow
so he comes to command
he does not compete
so no one under Heaven can compete with him
The ancient saying,
"Surrender brings perfection,"
is not just empty words
Truly, surrender brings perfection
and perfection brings the whole universe.
Tao Te Ching, The Definitive Edition, Jonathan Star, trans. p.35
Upcoming Events
Calm Abiding - Living in the Presence - Oct. 26-28, 2018. 6pm Fri. - noon Sun.
Wisdom House, Litchfield, CT
Registration is now open. Space is limited, please register early via the registration link below.
Profound meditation unfolds the direct experience of Living in the Presence, knowing the Infinite as your Self and keeping the company of the Divine through everyday life. During this retreat, through meditations, empowered mantras, chanting and teachings, you can learn to access what lies beyond the mind – the boundless love, power, joy, compassion and creativity of the One – your true Self – and discover how to live each day in its wise, loving Presence. The traditional means for Shaktipat Diksha are part of the retreat and facilitate awakening Kundalini, your innate power of Consciousness to directly know the Divine within.
We will be in silence during meals and breaks from Friday night through Sunday morning to support the mind entering a state of Calm Abiding, resting in the profound stillness that eases the mind and heals the body. The program will include time for Q&A and discussions about practices and experiences.
Like a broken gong be still, be silent.
Know the stillness of freedom
Where there is no more striving.
Buddha, Dhammapada
To register click here.
Lawrence with Om Kali Ma yantra
AC Meditation Hall
Thursday Night Meditation Sessions -Everyone is welcome! Thurs. evenings 7:15-8:45
Led by Lawrence Edwards. Includes meditation instruction, discussions, chanting, and meditation. Open to everyone, fee: donation. Click here for more information.
Anam Cara Meditation Foundation
Thank you all for your notes of appreciation for our newsletter. It's great to hear from you!
Everyone has the heart to be a true friend of the soul, an "Anam Cara." By embodying that ideal we may serve to help others to find love and compassion within themselves and the world.
Our highest nature is always manifest in relationship - to all other beings, to the environment, community, loved ones, and in relation to our own body and mind. Becoming mindful of the quality of our relationships allows us to learn where the light shines and where it needs to shine more. The ideal of Anam Cara is to continuously endeavor to expand the depth and the inclusiveness of the loving kindness we bring into every relationship, every moment, every breath.
If you have any suggestions, comments or sharings, for our newsletter please don't hesitate to e-mail me and I'll do my best to respond.
The Anam Cara Meditation Foundation is a 501 (C) 3, non-profit educational organization dedicated to teaching meditative practices. Our non- denominational programs are open to all. There are free meditation instructions and downloadable audio files of guided meditations on the meditation page of our website.
Thank you for the many ways you have shown support for Anam Cara . Because of your gifts we can offer free programs and instruction to thousands of people. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to Anam Cara please click here and you'll see the donation button on the bottom of the page. Your donations will support ongoing free programs, expanding our website resources, and making meditation practices freely available to everyone. Thank you for all your support!
A special thank you to our generous supporters who give donations and make regular pledged donations.
I look forward to welcoming you in person to our programs.
With all my appreciation and love,
I thank you all.
May all beings know complete freedom from suffering and may all our actions reflect only wisdom, compassion, patience and love.
Lawrence Edwards, PhD
Founder and Director
Anam Cara Meditation Foundation
All newsletter contents copyrighted 2018
Link to Additional Resources
Lawrence Edwards, PhD, Founder & Director | Anam Cara Meditation Foundation, Armonk, NY
914-219-8600 | |
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Anam Cara Meditation Foundation | 2 Byram Brook Place, Ste 2, Armonk, NY 10504