Wednesday, June 06, 2018
Ted Murray––The Love Force at the End
Dear Dorothy,
Have you ever been in the presence of someone who is in the process of transitioning out of physical form, and yet they seem more vibrant and alive than most people whose physical body is completely healthy? When someone knows that death is simply a transition into the next phase of existence and realizes what incredible light and love is on the other side, the energy that they exude is so pure it is indescribable.
When that person knows that the only thing left is the sharing of love and is completely open to receive love and share it, the exchange is simply perfection. When you know that the only legacy that really lives on after your passing is the love that you have shared, then everything else loses all meaning. How wonderful your life will be when you choose to live at every moment with this realization of the essence of love and the pure desire to simply share your heart openly with everyone you touch.
Love and Light,
Ted Murray
(image from internet)