Kundalini Splendor

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Thursday, July 19, 2018

Andrew Harvey in San Francisco 

A Message from Andrew Harvey, offering a workshop in San Francisco:

Dear Friends,

I am thrilled to be returning to CIIS for a conversation with Sean Kelly and a workshop August 3-5. CIIS has been a deep inspiration in my life, I loved my years teaching there and so look forward to sharing what I’ve learnt and inspiring vision of how to go forward in difficult times.

Below are the links to the website and Facebook event pages to learn more, I do hope you will join me.




This a rare opportunity to experience the wisdom and power of  Andrew Harvey, world renowned spiritual teacher and writer.  He is one of the most amazing people I have ever met.  A spell binding teacher, he always speaks eloquently of  issues that truly are relevant to today's world.  If you have never heard him, this is your chance to be in the company of a master teacher.  If you have heard him before, this is a great opportunity to renew your acquaintance with this unique human with a message for humankind.

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