Kundalini Splendor

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Saturday, July 14, 2018

A Story About a Sunflower––Chris Bartel 

A Story About a Sunflower

"When I was 12yrs old I grew an enormous sunflower in the centre of my parents' garden. It was twice as tall as I was, and surrounded by Dahlias, Roses, Crysanthemums and Fuschsias. It stood alone as a towering radiant golden and yellow centrepiece and I adored it. Every day I would come home from school and rush out to stare at it. Every day, that was the first thing I did when I got home. Then one day, bizarrely, it stared back at me... This was no illusion or imagination. There was a definite entity looking down at me, something kind and loving beyond all comparison. I was stunned, didn't know what to make of it, and just filed it away in memory and never spoke to anyone about it.
Seven years later, in 1977, I was playing a self-hypnosis tape someone had loaned me, and on the tape it asked me to imagine a beautiful flower and to keep focussing on it and merge with it, so I did. Naturally, I chose my beloved sunflower as it was so strongly embedded in my memory. But what a surprise I got when I fully merged with it and found myself as a plant, feeling a newfound total freedom, swaying in the breeze - as that sunflower - in a sea of floral beauty, rooted to the spot... and then along came this boy and stared up at me... and so I naturally 'merged' with him too. The love I felt for him was and still is indescribable, because I was in a state of deep relaxation/hypnosis so there were no inhibiting factors. It was my first experience of pure, unconditional 'self-love', even though the boy was not able to process what he was seeing - which was himself - and could only accept it as 'deep connectness','wonder','awe' and perplexity. That was also the very first time I can remember being conscious in two completely different times simultaneously... which is when and how I discovered that pure consciousness exists beyond the mind and outside of time."
Chris Bartel

via Yana Castle "Thank you for this story, José Luis G. Soler!"

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