Kundalini Splendor

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Sunday, July 15, 2018

The Initiation––poem by Dorothy 

The Initiation

"The purpose of life
is to embody the transcendent."
the Dalai Lama

Somehow we are found.
By some method we are discovered,
observed, finally given signals
that tell us (secretly) to prepare.

Even then 
we are not ready.
How could we be?
We are taken from whatever place
in the world we occupy 
and are suddenly shaped 
into an unrecognizable being,
a stranger to ourselves
and others.
We are thrown 
into rapture or perhaps even pain,
states we may not even 
have names for.

Again and again the rapture  permeates
our bodies.
It fills us with joy
day after day,
year after year,
until finally we succumb totally
to that which it is,
its constant infusions
of bliss and compassionate love.

At last
we no longer question
 that we and it are one.
Have ever been
and always will be.
It is who we are,
the essential unsuspected
truth of our identity.
Its sensed presence
comes and goes
like that of any lover,
but we know
that seen or unseen,
it is always there.

We give it the names
of a god or goddess,
a spirit or a guide.
Some call it The Beloved.
Some call it God.

We accept in silence.
We bow our heads in awe.

We wait 
for the next unfolding.

Dorothy Walters
July 14, 2018

(Image from internet)

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