Kundalini Splendor

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Thursday, October 04, 2018

Our Role in the Shift––Ted Murray 

Our Role in the Shift

Ted Murray

Each day seems to be a new turning point in the ongoing evolution of our planet. If you are feeling strange energies and having wild swings of energy levels and emotions then you are feeling the results of the intensified energies coming into the planet. It is easy to complain about your lack of energy to get things done. However, perhaps this is the universe’s gift telling to you slow down and focus on being instead of doing at this critical juncture.

You are a crucial part of this shift. You are meant to be directly involved, especially in your own personal life where the more focus you put on bringing light into your world and sharing love throughout it the sooner and more harmoniously things will take place. Recognize your importance and don’t hesitate to step fully into your role. This is a most challenging time to be alive and therefore it is the most exciting and glorious time also. You choose how you will experience it by focusing not on the fear bur rather on the anticipation of the loving world being created as the old ways are crumbling away.

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