Sunday, October 14, 2018
Ted Murray––Why Physical Bodies?
(What I saw from my window this morning.)
Ted Murray––Why Physical Bodies?
"Why do we need physical bodies when our essence is purely energetic? When you understand that the make up of the universe, including your body, is about 99.9% space (filled with full potential and made up of loving creative energy) and less than .01% physical matter, why do you need to have a body at all? It often seems like such a distraction from your true purpose and the bodies challenges and pains can seem to dominate our lives. However, the body is actually a wonderful gift, in spite of its challenges.
It enables you to create in the physical plane and have a canvas on which to use your god-like powers of creation. It also let’s you love more deeply, as it is much easier to love a being with features and personality than it is an energetic field. Also, your physical senses provide a way to interact with the world and other people in a way that grounds you in the present moment. Even though you can understand your true nature as spiritual essence, appreciating your body as a wonderful gift will help make this human experience one of ever deepening delight and fulfillment."
I have often thought about this same question. If we exist after "death" in a non-physical and expanded state, then why assume a more limited and less conscious form in this incarnation? I have several possible answers:
1. Perhaps we are all descended from some higher beings, perhaps even great ones of history, then maybe we need to return to our shrunken "earth forms" now and again simply to be reminded of what it is like to live on the human plane, with all its challenges and struggles, its strivings and its losses. Perhaps being disembodied awareness is in fact easier than to exist as embodied consciousness.
2. Possibly we come into this planet as part of our karmic destiny, for now we bring with us what we have learned through previous existences and prior incarnations here and elsewhere. Now is the time for us to bring such wisdom into our current awareness and "bring the gift back home."
3. Perhaps we have chosen to be here during this particular time of crisis, to help our human sisters and brothers weather the current spiritual storm and themselves thus experience the transformation into a more divine being as the next stage of our human evolution. "God throws us out with threads of love and then reels us back again." This is the constant process of emanation/evolution that is part of the universal program.
I do not consider any of these possibilities as final answers or ultimate explanations, but rather as mere speculations to be tested and weighed by each person in turn. What do you think?