Kundalini Splendor

Kundalini Splendor <$BlogRSDURL$>

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Theresa Roach Melia––"What We Need" 

What  We  Need

on earth we need    nothing new   no gizmo style fads

no media distraction       what we need is old

ancient  primal  primitive  pagan      we need torah runes testament

vedas dharma chant gregorian   taiko drum salutations to the sun

we need what we have been given  from the beginning Word

rolling thunder god  condensing out of Spirit

the deep  the water  the firmament  the air  the fire

the whispering  whistling wind of Spirit   pulsing in all matter

what we need radiates from the sun  the stars  from the Bodhi tree

the burning bush speaking to our hearts

with our drums   we call back to the cosmos

what we need is   what we knew as Bushmen   who heard the angels

who saw the light shining from within all things

what we need is to remember   who we are   what we know

with our bare feet on the earth  our round heads below the dome of the sky

make one endless gracious bow  to the great being of Love

who gives us life on earth   life in the stars

make one endless gracious bow    to what we know

the truth of love    the love of truth

- Theresa Roach Melia

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