Kundalini Splendor

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Sunday, October 07, 2018

"Your Cup"––poem by Dorothy 

Your Cup

Do not listen
to the hucksters
in the marketplace.
They will sell you
a bill of goods marked
but what they offer
is ersatz material,
recycled castaways.

The fakes and phonies,
the misguided,
are everywhere,
hawking their wares
in front of their stalls.

The have portioned out
and called it the real.
They have turned the body
of joy
into a corpse for dissection
and profit.

The nectar you hunger for
can be found
only through being who you are.
The food you seek,
is laid out on a table
with you own name
written on it.

Milk is flowing
from the breast of the true.
Hold out you cup,

Dorothy Walters
October 6, 2018

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