Kundalini Splendor

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Monday, April 22, 2019

Children Recall Past Lives 

Children Recall Past Lives

Carol Bowman - YouTube
Video for carol bowman youtubeâ–¶ 1:52:11

This morning I happened to run across this YouTube site and paused to listen.  It is a fascinating account by Carol Bowman of children who apparently recall earlier lives when they are quite young.  Carol's primary interest is in helping children to remember past traumas, that are now expressed as illness or troubling symptoms in their present bodies.

She became interested in this topic when her son had some bad eczema in his wrist.  His past memories revealed that he had been a soldier in the Civil War who was wounded in his wrist.  He recalled being taken to a field hospital consisting of poles and a tent and placed on a "bed" which was in fact a board.  After the memory manifested his eczema disappeared.

The children who recovered such memories were very young, some only 2 or 3 years old.  Sometimes they drew pictures of what they recalled.  One striking anecdote was that of a child who said he had been a pilot in WW2.  He remembered the type of aircraft he flew, the name of the carrier he took off from and other specific details.  Because of his precise memory, his family was able to discovery his previous name and also that of one of his buddies while he was a pilot.  When they contacted members of his previous family, they confirmed many details of his account.

Ian Stephenson was an early investigator of such children.  He collected thousands of such narratives, mostly from the far East.  Some children could navigate to their previous home villages, recognize the possessions of the previous self, name their prior family members, and so forth.  It was suggested that more such experiences were found in Asia than in the U.S., since Asian countries tend to accept the phenomenon of reincarnation more readily than do western countries.

I think that such stories are fascinating and deserve to be attended to as we expand our consciousness into more and more esoteric realms.  Such investigations are by no means the goal of our own life journeys, but they do suggest that the human experience is more complex than we suppose.

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