Kundalini Splendor

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Sunday, July 07, 2019

What is Ecstasy? 

What is Ecstasy?

I just wrote this piece for another site, but decided to publish it here as well.  Some people think of ecstasy as merely joy, pleasure, exaltation, even.  I think it is important to maintain the distinction between this term (ecstasy) and other kinds of delight.  I think ecstasy is the God force, the divine essence, that which we can experience when it comes to us as an act of Grace.  It is as far as we can go to feel divine union.  It is not words nor concepts nor occasional bliss like moments.   It is physical bliss, magnified to the nth degree.  It is indescribable sensuous pleasure in the blood and bones.  Here is what I wrote:

"God is the infinite indescribable boundless love force (life force) that animates the universe including us. We are allowed into that Presence when we are flooded and fully infused with this highly sensuous, totally realized essence of the God field. I call this essence Kundalini. It is more than joy, beyond happiness, greater than pleasure. It is ultimate ecstasy. As one student said, “Oh, this is like sex only different.” To understand it, you must experience it. All other states are preliminaries, glimpses, brief flashes of that immensity. We are all heading in this direction as our world goes through this great transformation in human evolution. It is changing us irretrievably. We now hear in a different tone, speak in a new way, exist as a new being. Our nervous system is restrung into a new mechanism, our cells vibrate in an unfamiliar way. We are remade into a new creation. This is “God moving through your body,” as one visionary put it."

At times the feeling is so intense we think we are going to go out of our bodies, even to levitate.  At first it is overwhelming.  We lie on the floor, arms stretched out, and say, 'Here I am, God, take me."  We feel that in some strange way, we are mating with a deity perhaps Shiva himself.

Literature is filled with such accounts.  When Semele demanded that Zeus fulfill his promise to reveal himself to her in his true form, he did so and she immediately turned to ash.  In another account, Zeus came to Leda in the form of a swan and begat two famous deities on her.  The Bible speaks of a time when "the sons of God mated with the daughters of earth." This concept is suggested even in the accounts of the conception of Jesus Christ, the god man who was half human, half divine.  The Pharaohs of Egypt were thought of as god/kings.  And today we have stories of space aliens mating with human partners to produce "hybrids."

(update:  I am now walking with little to no pain.  Swelling of legs has diminished noticeably.  So grateful.  Perhaps related to sleeping on bed that raises legs.  Perhaps to long distance healing from friend.)

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