Kundalini Splendor

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Wednesday, September 04, 2019

The Beginnings––poem by Dorothy 

The Beginnings

"Bliss (Satchidananda) is a superior quality of happiness. However, it is a bliss that is not permanent; it’s still just a state of mind."


They talk of vastness.

What do they know of
splendor within,
infinite love that comes
from an unseen source,
touching your body alive,
with joy, with bliss
in you hands,
your cheeks,
your head and body?

Is this not proof 

of the divine connection,
is this not the lover
you have always wanted,
telling you,
"Yes, this is who you are,
infinite extension of rapture,
consummation of ecstasy,
now stroked to love
by an invisible hand,
finally opened 
to the beginnings"?

Dorothy Walters

September 4, 2019

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